Fifteen - JJ

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Chapter Fifteen

Watch out for Noah's POV somewhere in the chapter!

Change is a funny thing. Change in a person can be subtle or drastic but no matter what the change, someone always notices. Everyone except yourself. Like, you change your hair one day and you don't think anything of it because inside you're still the same person, but suddenly, everyone thinks you have this whole new personality. As if changing your hair from a braid to a top knot changes everything about whom you are as a person. 

That was like me I guess. I dressed a bit differently now. Nicer. Cooler. I partied. I drank. I smoked. 

But inside, I still liked reading and I still liked cuddling up in my bed and watching movies. I still tried hard at school and I still cared about my future. I just liked doing other stuff now as well.

And everyone noticed. Well, when I say everyone I mean my family and my friends. My new friends thought it was the norm but Katie and Josh knew what I used to be like. I hadn't been to a party with kids from school yet so it was going to be interesting when that happened.

My parents saw a change in me too. But they were happy. Happy that I was getting out of the house, making new friends and enjoying life. Bobby was happy too. He thought I was cooler and I still always made time to go see him so what I was doing wasn't affecting him. Well, except the Noah thing but he didn't need to know that. 

I stared at myself in the mirror as I waited for Katie and Josh to pick me up. I looked different to how I did a few weeks ago. I was wearing makeup. I dressed a bit differently. I didn't play it as safe I used to. 

Looking a myself, I wasn't sure if I loved who I was. The new Clara was great but there were some moments, moments where the old Clara surfaced and all I wanted to do was shut the world out and curl up on my sofa and read a book in my old flannel pyjamas. I'd barely read in the past few weeks because I hadn't found the time. I was still in the same place of The Scarlet Letter I was two Saturday's ago. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. 

I gazed at myself a while before my mom was calling me to come downstairs. Katie and Josh were here. I grabbed my bag and stuffed it with my house keys, my bottle of vodka and the pack of cigarettes Jack had given me the previous night and a cardigan for when it got colder.

Running down the stairs, I gave my parents each a fleeting kiss before scurrying to Josh's car. I greeted them both happily, to which they both returned with pleased hellos. 

Katie clapped her hands. "This party is going to be awesome! We've been hanging with all of Ryan's friend these past few times so it'll be nice to have some familiarity of the school kids."

"Yeah well if you don't mind me, I'll be hanging with the usual crowd tonight. Kids from school aren't really my forte."

"Oh don't worry Clara, the party is going to be huge. No one is going to notice you."

"Here's hoping," I mumbled.

After Katie applied some lipstick using her pocket mirror, she turned around and smacked her lips together. "Oooh I wonder if Noah will be there. That will be interesting."

I froze but Josh just waved it away carelessly. "Doubt it. Noah's been off the radar since Wednesday, remember? It's highly unlikely he'll make an appearance tonight."

"Here's hoping," I repeated once more as Katie chuckled quietly. 

Noah's POV

"Dude, let's fucking do something tonight! I'm over my jet lag. I've been here since Wednesday, I'm ready to get on it."

Knowing Noah TrentWhere stories live. Discover now