Twenty - Forgotten Ice Cream

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Chapter Twenty

This chapter is dedicated to all the girls that read this story and read it even though it's not an Emblem3 story. Yay I love you like u don't even know mate

The next time I opened my eyes, I was fully conscious. I realised I was lying in a bed that definitely wasn't my own. I looked at my surroundings and frowned in confusion. Before I could ask the question, Noah came waltzing into the room. "Ah the dead arises. How are you feeling?"

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Surprisingly good. I don't remember much from last night. Everything is hazy."

"Great then I can take that back," Noah said happily as he reached toward me and took something off my neck. When he put it over his own head, I noticed it was my amethyst rock. He grinned. "Works a charm."

I chuckled. "Thanks.  Maybe it does work because I don't feel sick and I only have a small headache. What time is it?"


"Shit!" I cursed. "My mom will be wondering where I am."

Noah shook his head. "Katie text her off your phone last night saying you were crashing at hers then spending the day with me and JJ. You're fine. My parents are at work and Ara’s seeing her boyfriend so it's just us at home."

I breathed out in relief. "Thanks."

"No problem. Anyway, JJ and I are cooking breakfast downstairs so come down when you're ready. Katie dropped some of your clothes of this morning before she went to work so feel free to have a shower. My bathroom is just through that door."

"Thanks," I said shyly. I wasn't really sure how to act after waking up in his bed. 

"Great. I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything. We'll explain everything when you come down."

I nodded in reply and he left me to do my own thing. 

I tried not to, but I took a while in the shower. I thought it would feel awkward showering in Noah's shower but surprisingly it wasn't. His bathroom was spotless and there wasn't anything embarrassing lying around so I didn't feel weirded out by any of it.

The hot water did wonders to wake me up properly. I scrubbed myself down and washed my hair twice, trying to get rid of any spew that might have been caught up in the blonde strands. 

When I finally got out, I got dressed into the grey sweatpants and a plain white top Katie packed for me. I tied my hair up into a messy top knot and peered at myself in the mirror. I looked a bit on the pale side and I had dark rings around my eyes. I thought I looked okay, but then again, my ‘okay’ was still somewhat scruffy.

I rummaged through my bag in hope of finding a toothbrush. Thankfully, Katie was smart enough to pack one. I brushed my teeth four times over until ever trace of the sour bile taste was gone.

 After shoving my clothes into my bag, I made my way downstairs. The smell of bacon and pancakes wafted through the house. "Mmm smells delicious," I murmured as I walked into the kitchen.

Noah grinned. "Aren't you lucky that I'm cooking then, eh."

"You can cook?" I asked with raised eyebrows. 

"My mum did culinary at Uni and she owns a chain of restaurants. Of course I can cook."

"Cool," I said easily even though my insides were screaming at me. Food was my favourite thing ever so knowing he could cook made my stomach flip over a couple of times.

 "I'm starving," I added on.

"I'm not surprised," JJ said as he put a plate full of food down on the breakfast bar for me. "All that spew you coughed up last night couldn't have been good for your food and energy levels."

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