Twenty Five - The Phone Call

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Chapter Twenty Five

Dedicated to nialler_one cos idk, her comment in the last chapter was super cute and made me smile <3

I barely saw Noah for the whole week after graduation. I saw him and JJ once when I took Bobby to the beach and that's it. But not seeing him was my choice because I didn't want to get in the way of Noah spending time with JJ in his last week of being in California. I gave them space and I didn't annoy Noah because me and him had plenty of time to hang out whereas him and JJ barely had any.

Noah made numerous efforts to hang out with him but I rejected him for his own sake. He needed to spend this time with JJ and he knew that so he always wordlessly thanked me for being accepting of that. I mean, we were in the honeymoon phase of our relationship and all I wanted to do was spend time with him but right now, my wants measured to nothing compared to Noah's need to spend time with JJ before he left.

We talked a bit though and he told me they'd just been partying and surfing and making the most of JJ's last days here. And while he was doing that, I was catching up on quality time with Katie and Josh as well as my kid brother. I took Bobby to the beach one of the days and that's where we saw JJ and Noah having a surf. They insisted on taking Bobby out so who was I to deny them that? I caught up on some of the reading time I'd missed out on so all was well.

On the Sunday JJ was due to leave, I went to the airport with Noah. Everyone turned out to see him off – the whole Trent family as well as the boys and even Kylie Monroe. He checked in and we waited around with him until he had to go through the departure gates.

When it was time, there were tears all around. Well, mainly from the girls anyway. Even me, which I'm embarrassed to admit. I hadn't known JJ for long but he was one of those guys you couldn't help but like. He came into our lives and affected us in one way or another. 

He did his round of hugs and Noah and I ended up being last. Everyone had kind of stepped back because they were either crying and were trying to hide it or they were comforting the crying ones. Either way, it was just the three of us outside the departure gate. JJ gave me a tight hug and just like Noah, he was exceptionally good at them. "Thank you," he whispered into my ear where Noah couldn't hear. "Thanks for giving me this last week with Noah and thanks for being good to him. Take care of that necklace, it means a lot to him."

I knew that 'take care of that necklace, it means a lot to him.' really meant 'take care of Noah, he means a lot to me'.

"Don't worry, I will," I said back through teary eyes as genuinely as I could.

He pulled back and ruffled my hair. "Don't be a stranger and stay in touch then eh. We'll have to get Noah to bring you over to New Zealand one day. That would be sick."

I nodded my head. "Yeah, sounds great."

JJ then turned to Noah. They kind of stared at each other before giving each other a hug. They clapped each other's back and cracked a few jokes but I knew they were trying to keep in the tears. They were parting again and to the both them that was like parting with a brother. 

JJ ruffled his hair too. "Look after her Noah. She's one of the best things that's happened to you so don't fucking screw it up ya knob. Alright?"

"Got it dickhead," he said back, giving him a friendly punch.

I couldn't help but smile as JJ winked at me before turning back to Noah. "We'll see each other soon mate, no worries. This isn't fucking goodbye eh. You never know, maybe I'll move over here. The chicks are pretty fine."

I laughed and so did Noah. "Leave before they kick you out for being a Grade A perv."

JJ chuckled then gave Noah one last hug. Noah exhaled shakily, his expression serious. "You fucking come back, okay?”

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