Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.  Chris Redfield's P.O.V.  

June 30th, 2013.

I was sitting at a bar again, I wasn't drinking, I only do that every now and then.

I cut a small piece of the steak I ordered. It was good, just as Piers had told me. But Piers wasn't here anymore, HQ declared him dead even though they never found his body. HQ said they found some other deceased B.O.W.s, and considering Piers's condition, one of those B.O.W.s may have been him. He was a good man, a great partner, and he died for me. He did a lot for me. I told him I would quit after saving Jake and Sherry, but I did some thinking. After everything I've been through, I can't just quit this war I have to live for my fallen brothers. They would've wanted it.

I heard someone come into the bar, and the footsteps came to me then stopped.

"Captain," the man spoke, he sounded familiar. I looked, it was one of my new men. "We have new orders"

I stood up and looked to him. "Better get to it then." I said, then slowly exited the bar.

*      *     *

I was taken to our B.S.A.A. HQ and I sent myself to my locker room to get ready. The soldier, Kyle, who came to me in the bar filled me in on the basic information, it was a mission in West Africa, reports of some virus selling going on in a black-market. Seems like a simple mission compared to the other crap I've been through, and it was in West Africa, so maybe I could talk to Sheva. I was putting on my suit from 2009, it still fits and I'm glad it does, anyways after grabbing my gear I set out to the helicopter deck seeing my men ready to go.

I looked to them as I boarded the chopper. "Everyone here?"

"Yes, sir" Kyle said nodding to me. He had this look of confidence and ready-to-serve his face. One of the other soldiers was sitting down next to the chopper's door and was looking outside. I looked around seeing another soldier staring straight at me.

"Uh- Um,.... S-sorry, sir" The soldier stuttered as he realized I caught him. He seemed new and he reminded me of Finn Macauley, a rookie I had last year.

"It's alright," I said and sat across from him."Are you one of the rookies?" I asked.

"Yessir, I'm Quentin Alexander." He said really seeming like Finn.

I nodded, smiled slightly, then just stared out the window until we reached our destination.

*           *          *

We've arrived near a small tunnel, and with we were greeted by old friends.

"Chris?" A familiar voice asked.

I turned around, seeing Sheva Alomar, my partner from a couple years ago,  walking towards me.

"Sheva, I hoped to see you" I said with a soft smile.

"It's great to see that you're okay." She said with a friendly hug which I gave back. "Considering what I heard about you."

I was actually a little surprised. "You heard about my amnesia?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I got an e-mail from a man named Piers, he was asking if you'd been spotted because you ran away or something like that."

I stood still, Piers contacted her.......for me? He was a really loyal soldier. After a short pause, I spoke "It was a bit of a rough time.....but that guy, Piers, helped me get back"

She nodded with a soft smile, but another small helicopter came to our area.

It's a woman, with short blonde hair, and an innocent looking face- After getting another look at her, I realized who it was. Sherry Birkin.

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