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So there's been this long wait, because I had no idea what to do next with this story. And I'm getting busy.

But for some odd reason, when I was messaged being asked to be a member of the FFVGUnion I think I got a big spark of inspiration. So. 

I realized what to do next. 

I wont say, but If I get a lot of writing time on the weekend, then it should be up this weekend. But if I'm busy then I'll make sure to have it by the weekend following this one. 

It's been a while for me but I needed that thrill of writing from this story that I lost a couple months ago. 

It's been a long wait and a rough time.

And I've actually posted the prequel to this story as most of you should know. Check out Apocalypse, it's more based off Fabiola's background so you might wanna check that out and leave a vote if you enjoyed it. 

I wanna thank you all for reading this and getting me 1k reads and over 50 votes. It really means a lot, considering I didn't ask for much help. 

I really hope you enjoy the next chapter that's coming up and PM if you wanna leave me some tips or suggestions. I don't know. 

Thanks again. I'll see you guys here again soon, hopefully.

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