"It's cool," he says nonchalantly and helps me pick up my stuff. "You new here?"

"Uh yeah," I say.

"Hi I'm Dean Whinchester," he says and holds out his hand. I take it and shake weirdly. I have bad people skills.

"Castiel Novak," I say shyly. He smiles.

"Where you headed Castiel," Dean says his green eyes lighting up. I always thought my angelic name sounded weird but I love the way it came off his lips.

"History," I say once I have gathered my stuff.

"That's my first period, I'll show you the way come on," he says. I nod and follow him as he starts walking off. We walk in silence for awhile as students walk beside us. I fiddle nervously with my trench coat. I look over at him from the corner of my eye. He is wearing a tight in all the right places black shirt with a blue flannel over the top and some faded blue jeans. I notice a gold amulet hanging around his neck.

"What's that?" I ask pointing to the amulet.

"Oh my brother gave me that," Dean says and I notice how he smiles at the memory. He must think very fondly of his brother. "It is supposed to burn hot in God's presence and all that holy crap." He seems a little agitated when he says this.

We reach the door just as the bell rings. He opens it for me and I smile at him when I walk in. Dean sits down in the back and I awkwardly stand by him. "No one sits here you can sit by me," he says. I grin and sit next to him.

"Dean you weren't at practice," some guy with blonde hair and an accent says.

"Yeah and?" Dean says with a bored look.

"And coach was on our butts for it so stop slacking," the guy says slightly raising his voice.

"I was busy Balthazar."

"Your always busy come on man you are the starting quarterback we need you," Balthazar says.

"Look I show up to the games and I learn the new plays before they start so get off my back," Dean snaps.

"Dude what's up with you?"

"Nothing," Dean spats.

"Alright class take your seats!" The teacher yells. I look over at Dean but he just stares at the desk with a concentrated look. I wonder what he is hiding...
Gabriel's POV
"Gabriel I know you're new here but no candy in my classroom!" The teacher screams at me. I take the sucker out of my mouth and stick it in her hand with a smirk. She looks down at the gross slobber covered sucker in her hand with disgust. "Detention!"

She throws it away and hands me the slip. Then she walks off to the bathroom to wash her sticky hands. I start laughing and shove the slip in my pocket and pull out another lollipop. I get up to throw the wrapper away and run into the awkward tall dude from this morning.

"Sorry dude we must stop meeting like this," I say and look up at him. He has to look down at me since he is freakishly tall.

"It's cool," he says quietly after a little bit.

"Gabriel Novak," I say and hold out a lolli in my hand. What? Don't judge me it is my hand shake.

"Uh Sam...Winchester," he says and just stares at the lolli.

"Come on take it Chuck knows I have enough," I say. He gives me a confused look. "He is my adopted dad and my brothers and I joke that he is God because he guesses everything right and we all have angel names," I explain my weird family thing.

"Uh huh I don't need the candy," Sam says.

"Come on Sammy everyone needs a little something sweet in their life," I say. I swear he was going to smile but to my disappointment nothing comes. He takes the lollipop.

"It's Sam," he says and sits back in his row.

"Alright moose," I say since he is right next to my row of desks and throw away the wrapper.

The teacher walks back in and starts the boring lecture about some English thing.
Lucifer's POV
I walk down the hallways searching for my stupid math classroom. I finally find it and walk in late as always. "Lucifer Novak?" The teacher asks as I walk in. I nod and give a smirk. "Care to explain why you are late?" He says raising one eyebrow.

"Not really, so where do I sit Mr. Burger," I say as I see his name is Mr. Burgeon. A few kids snicker at my 'accidental' mispronunciation.

"Watch your tone boy and it is Mr. Burgeon," he says.

"Whatever ground beef," I retort. And he huffs.

"Unless you want detention I suggest shutting it Novak," Burger says. I roll my eyes and he writes me up. Note cows have short tempers. I shove the paper in my pocket with a cocky smirk. "You can sit over by Michael," he says pointing to an extremely attractive guy with spiked black hair and blue-green eyes. I grin and take a seat next to him. He stares at me like I'm an idiot.

"Got a problem?" I ask. He mutters something under his breath and then shakes his head.

"Now before Mr. Novak so rudely interrupted us," the teacher says giving me a glare. I wave to the class and people start laughing. "We were talking about the linear of the graph," he says and starts rambling stuff. The hot dude Michael starts taking notes on what the teacher is saying. Goodie goodie I see I know how to get one of those.

I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and I see a red head with an extremely tight devil shirt and black leather jacket. She hands me a piece of paper. I open it and it says Party this Friday come with me devil and I will show you your own heaven in hell -Abbadon with her number at the bottom. I bite back my laughter and write party sounds good but I don't play on your team if you know what I mean demon bitch. I pass it back to her.

I turn around and see her mouth agape. "Stupid faggot," she says loud enough for the teacher to hear.

"Abbadon! Language, detention for you too," he says and hands her a slip I smirk and turn back around. Michael stares at me a bit shocked I turn to him and wink flirtatiously which causes a blush.

"Can I borrow a pencil and paper?" I ask him.

"Uh sure," he says still a little flustered and hands me the stuff. I actually pay attention to the teacher and write notes while Michael stares at me. I grin yeah goody goody I know what you like. That's right I'm a gay player deal with it.

All The Secrets and Lies (Destiel, Sabriel, and Michifer High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now