1997: July

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3. July-


I got a second letter from Draco today. I have been somewhat bored around the house the past few days, as I have not been able to convince Andi that I really need to get out of here for a while. I know it's not entirely safe, but I would rather live a little dangerously and see something different than sit entirely still while Tonks and Dad are out on missions and such.

Anyway, the letter.


Things have been far too calm the past few days. Father reappeared and then nothing has come of it. Something terrible is coming, or I may be entirely paranoid...you get that way when you live so long being afraid of what may come next. I suppose I am just so terrified of what He has planned to punish my family for Father's failure in the Ministry a year ago. The Dark Lord is NOT kind and is not at all forgiving. We may have been shamed in the rest of the wizarding world, but we have not yet been humiliated in front of the Death Eaters. Please, Lewellyn, be sending your happy thoughts our way...I don't know if we'll make it out of here alive without some positive energies or prayers or whatever it is that you believe in coming our direction.

I love you, L'elly.

I love you, too, Draco.


5. July-


Dad and Tonks are getting married tomorrow. I'll have someone to call 'Mom', if I feel like it. It just seems weird to call someone that I've known by her name for so long by anything different.

Tonks gave me a little ring to wear on my pinky. Apparently, it comes from her family and was passed to her by Ted. It's this little amethyst stone set in silver. It's gorgeous and simple and will go with my yellow sundress that I am wearing for the very small wedding tomorrow. Ted is officiating. It is going to be quick, simple, and involve all of us heading over to the Burrow for coffee after.

I have to go keep Tonks sane now- she's freaking out a little about what colour her hair should be for tomorrow. I'm encouraging hot pink.


6. July-


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