chapter 1

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"Dude you seriously got you're self a death wish here." Jack chuckled.

It's 5 am and standing just outside  the front doors of Western High and ready to break in before class starts.

"The school year has just begun and it's going to to freaking awesome, trust me!" I assured looking at my phone, checking the time.

We have at least 23 minutes before the Ms.Forman comes to check the halls and security cameras turn on then 2 minutes the cops come if we mess up...what a day this will be.

"You mean if you mess up?" He asked.


"Why are you smiling...?" Jack asked worried. 

"Oh nothing." I smirked.

"Here goes my future, say hello to working at Mcdonald's and living on a pay check to pay check." said Jack sarcastically.

"Calm down Jack like seriously, when was the last time you were this close to becoming a sensational loser and in detention?" I held up my hand almost pinching my index finger and thumb together.

"Since I've been you're best friend idiot." he stared at me with a look of death and regret.

"Okay, okay" I dashed back around the corner the the back side of the school.

"Shawn wait up!" He shouted.

I pulled on the door handles but they didn't open, I pulled roughly a second time and they won't open.

"Crap." I sighed and tried picking the lock.

"I taught you how to pick locks, and this is how you're using that skill?!"

"Hey, hey I'm nervous okay!"

"Move over dude." Jack said pushing me over and picked the door open.

"See, there are advantages to having you around!" I said cheerfully patting hard on the shoulder.

I walked in to the building and no one was here. Weird. Ms.Forman isn't here yet. I here Jack's feet making a clamping sound in the marble floors.

"Could you seriously be any louder." I sneered.

"This is your idea not mine."

"Oh really, says the one who picked the door open for me."

Jack rolls his eyes and reaches over  for the light switch and I stagger for time and push him to the ground with a loud bang.

"OUCH!" He shouted.

"Well do you wanna serve some jail time for breaking in private property."


"Then shut up and don't touch anything!" I snarled.

I slowly opened the door to that janitors closet space, finding no one there is pulled out my phone and popped in my ear buds and listened to the latest 21 pilots song.

"Let me get the duffel bag." said Jack.

"Are you kidding me?!"


"You forgot my duffel bag."

"Haha! No I didn't not." He chuckled pulling the bag from behind him.

"Your lucky, you know that." I smirked.

I started to pull out my "lethal" weapons including....
1. Super string
2. Zip ties
3. Shaving cream
4. Spray paint

My plan will be the best of the year and soon then Emma will like the bad boy that I am. I unlocked the doorknob and signaled Jack the check if the coast was clear. We ran down the hall to the field house. I took out my cans of spray paint and threw one the Jack and began spraying my "greatest authentic master piece" of art. Jack ran to the girls locker room and sprayed super string every where and filled Ms.Forman's desk drawers with shaving cream. I spray painted on the wall of the field house and Ms.forman's office with my original signature in big red letters. "MR.TROUBLE IS BACK"

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