Chapter 27 - Sudden Attack

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Minho's POV

The day of attacking WICKED came quicker than I thought. We were armed and ready to attack in any moment. I was ready. I was ready to avenge. I was ready to fight. I always knew this day would come. I mean a day like this did come, but WICKED still held on. I was angry. I felt pure rage filling my body. As if it was controlling me.

On my left was Rachel, who had a machete in her hands and bows and arrows swung on her arms. She looked scared. The exact opposite of what I was feeling. She was shaking. Her eyes were trembling with fear.

She looked at me. Her eyes were screaming. Help me. I gave her a comforting smile and then I nodded.

I looked over to Thomas after that. He was steady. With no actual movements. His eyes were blank. I couldn't quite make up what he was feeling.

Brenda looked as confident as me. She had a fierce and dangerous vibe coming out of her. I had faith in her. She would make it out. She would never give up fighting until she dies. I was a little scared.                                                                     

"Okay everyone. This is it." Vince started. "We will fi-"

A loud bang cut him off. I immediately understood what was happening. We were under attack. I quickly go over to Rachel. "Go take cover!" I say pointing at the emergency room. That room was big enough to fit all the immune people.

Thomas told the same to Brenda. He nodded at me afterwards. He was thinking what I was thinking. We both wanted to see who actually was leading WICKED.

We both went to the hidden main room from where you could see everything what was happening outside. It was hidden, and bullet proof. No one could find this place.

There were TV screens all around the room. We started searching. I saw the big bergs roaming around our territory. We saw people in those filthy white suit come out. Some of them were armed. And some weren't. I saw Chancellor page coming out. She wasn't armed. She had some unarmed people around her too. She still had that blank look on her face.

We also saw people in the green suits coming. They had a small kit with them. I guess it had some serums to make us mad. They could only do stupid things like that.

We were still looking at the TV screens until someone caught my eye. A boy with a limp. The same dirty blonde hair, the tall figure. Newt.

A/N :

A cliffhanger eh? How do you think Newt's alive? This is just the beginning. There are more to come.

The Life After (The Death Cure Pt.2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن