Chapter 02 - Acqaintance

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Lol : Thomas's face up there tho


Minho's POV

After that conversation with Thomas , I felt like a huge burden was lifted off my shoulders. These were some of the little things which I never told anyone. I know that deep down inside , I know that I try to act strong , as if I have no feelings. As if I am heartless. But sometimes , we just have to let it go.

I wonder what I'll do when I have a girlfriend. When I thought about this , I realised that a smile was spread across my perfect face. Lol. I am handsome. Everybody has to shake on that. Aren't I 100% right? I know I am.

My thoughts were interrupted when a guard from the Right Arm opened the door.

"There will be a meeting held in an hour. If I were you , I'd get my butt out of my bed right now and head to have breakfast."

I tilt my head to see Thomas. Sleeping. Wasn't he talking to me like a few minutes ago? God he's weird. Also stupid.

"Thomas , wake up." I say , sitting up.

"Huh? I- I'm awake." Thomas says in a tired voice.

"Dude , you gotta get up. A meeting will be held in an hour. Bet your pony lovin' butt out." I say before heading to the bathroom.

As I make my way to the bathroom , I suddenly trip over a girl who seemed to fall back so I quickly grabbed her by the waist. Damn , sh- she's beautiful. I appreciate her face for a second until she pulls away.

"Sorry." She says , her cheeks heated up.

"N- no it was my fault. I wasn't watching a- and--" I said , noticing that I was blushing too. Minho. What happened to you?! Weren't you the badass who acts cool around chicks? Well dude , MAN UP.

"Minho right?" The girl said while raising her eyebrows.

I put my hands on my hips. "How do you know that?" Before I even realise , I feel a smirk forming on my face. Guess she knew me from before. I think she has a little crush on me. I- I think I have too.

The girl was now blushing even more. She was looking like a full tomato. "I got t- to know that f- fro--" she starts talking but then I cut her off.

"It's nice meeting you." I say with a smile. A genuine one this time. "What's your name?" I say.

"Oh , it's --"

"Hey Minho! Over here!" I turn around and see Thomas waving to me. "We need you now. Breakfast is up. "

I wave my hand to the girl. "Hope to see you around." I smile.

The girl nods with a smile on her face , and I turn back and start to head towards the cafeteria.

Well , I think I kinda like that girl.

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