Chapter 04 - Unbelievable

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So today I woke up and saw that 13 people actually saw my book... I can't tell you how happy I am!!!! For the people who actually read my chapters , I can only assure you that I will write very often... And after some chapters you guys will be very happy... Or at least I will be very happy... So please comment and vote! And read my story!


Minho's POV

Wait. Thomas? He led them to the cure? How? Is he secretly a spy sent by WICKED? Can I even trust this boy?

"How? I don't know anything!" Thomas spoke out. I could see that he was scared. Scared of being misunderstood. He started panicking before someone could speak out.

"Woah. Calm down Thomas." I said looking at him.

"Speak out , Thomas. Tell us what you know." Vince said , looking at Thomas.
"Did you do something to anybody? Or even kill somebody? Or did you do anything and not tell us?"

"WICKED." Thomas whispers. Then he speaks out when he gained his consciousness. "They wanted my brain. They said that if I donate my brain to them then they will have a cure. Apart from that..."

"Apart from what?" Jorge questions.

Thomas's POV

I realised that no one except Brenda and Lawrence know that I killed Newt. No one knows. But if I tell them this , Minho will be heartbroken. I honestly don't know what to do. I have two choices now. I tell them about Newt , or I don't tell them at all. I chose to speak out the truth.

"If it's done accidentally , there is something which I didn't tell anyone."
I speak out. My heart was aching so much to not tell them but...I knew I had to. I just had to.

Vince looks at me , and asks "What is it?"

"Remember that time when Lawrence , Brenda and I went to meet Vince? Leaving Minho and the others at the place where we were 'kidnapped'?"
I speak.

"Yeah so?" Minho questions , raising an eyebrow.

"I met someone. On the way."


"Newt." I speak as my heart breaks in a thousand pieces.

"Why didn't you bring him back? What type of a friend are you?!" Minho says as he starts getting angry.

"He wanted to die." I speak. My face , blank. "He wanted me to pull the trigger. Back in the WICKED headquarters , he gave me a note. The note had shown how desperate he was to die."

"What are you talking 'bout?" Minho says angrily.

"He pushed me back , held my arm to his forehead. I had the gun in my hand." I say bluntly.

"Then?" Minho whispers. His eyes glassy.

I look at him. My eyes filled with sorrow. "He demands me to make amends , and shoot him. I tried so hard but he kept pushing me and shouting at me. He shouted I was a betrayer to not do what was told on the note. I couldn't hold it anymore. And I..." A teardrop seemed to form in my eyes. I saw Minho , who had his eyes glued to the floor. He was crying. Teardrops fell onto his lap. I was so sorry.

"You pulled the trigger." Minho said.
"Didn't you?"

"I..." I trailed off.

"Answer me." He said while shaking with fury. "I said , Answer me!" This time , he screamed.

When I didn't respond , Minho stood up and gripped my collar , shoving me into the wall. He started punching me with full strength. Man , this guy has strength. His punches was as hard as hammers. It felt like someone was banging your head with a hammer.

He was pulled away from me by two guards. He struggled to free himself as they pulled him. "You bloody shuckface! You killed my best friend! I am going to kill you! I will kill you!" He screamed as he was taken outside.

I realised my nose was bleeding. It was bleeding hard. Brenda came with a first aid kit in her hands. She came to me but then I stopped her.

"I need to talk to Minho." I say.

"No , he's angry now. He will definitely send you to stretchers the next time." Brenda said , her face full of concern.

I don't say anything and walk away. To meet Minho. He needs to know the truth. He deserves to know.

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