Chapter 11 - Cranks Pt.2

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Thomas's POV

Minho had gone to bring some more daggers. How many will that shank take? I don't know. We leave in three minutes and he isn't back yet. What is he doing? Is he with the Rachel girl again? I don't see her here too. Or maybe I forgot what she looked like. Yeah , definitely the second one. I totally forgot what she looked like. I am indeed a shuckface as Minho says. Or am I the 'Shuckiest Shuckfaced Shuck He has seen in his whole Shuckin' world?' according to Minho. I remember him saying that to me.

I was brought back to reality by Brenda. She had wrapped her hands around my torso , lying her head on my chest. "What are you thinking about?" She say in a low voice.

"Just thinkin'."

"What?" She said curiously.

"Nothing. Where's Minho gone? He should be back by now."

"I don't know. He is a smart one. I know he knows what he is doing." She said. Great my own girlfriend is now a fan of Minho too. Why does he have to get all the girls? I just don't get it. "What aren't I a smart one?"

"You're more of a sweet one." With this , she kissed me.

It was for five seconds until I hear faint sounds coming from the camp. It sounds very familiar. It sounded of someone screaming madly. As if they are mad. I tremble down when I realise what it is. My eyes widened with fear. It was a scream of a crank.

"Thomas what are you doing?" Brenda asked. She was concerned.

"A-A crank. Cranks are coming." I say , my voice shaky. Then I convinced myself to stop panicking. I stood up. "Everyone get you weapons ready!" I saw everybody staring at me , with eyes filled with fear.

"If you see any signs o--" I was cut off when I heard an evil laugh coming from the back. I turn my head to see what it is and then before I could even make a move it took a leap to jump over me , but I manage to dodge. I quickly take my machete out to attack it. It was still struggling on the ground and before it could make a move , I killed it. It was now screaming , yet laughing. Sometimes I wonder what they think about dying. Because all the cranks I met , was indeed fond of dying. I don't know.

About time I see a muscular figure walking towards us , with a girl on his arms. It didn't take any time for me to recognise him , Minho. He had a scratch on his forehead but the girl was literally covered with blood. She had her hands wrapped around Minho , as if she was scared to let go. I guess she is Rachel.

Why is she covered with blood? Did they have an encounter with... Oh no. There's more of them. We need to get to the bergs. Now. I soon see two other cranks running towards Minho. "Minho watch out!" I say and he turns back. He starts running with the girl on his arms. It felt like the girl had no weight , because Minho , even though he had the girl , was running swiftly.

"Get to the bergs!" I started as I started running. I got up the first along with Brenda , and started helping the others to get up. The cranks were twenty feet away from Minho and the girl. And soon they reached the berg. Brenda started shooting the cranks with her launcher , while I helped them to get in.

Minho first handed me the girl to get her in."Careful." He said with a serious look. Then he got in. Immediately , he snatched the girl from my hand. Man , he is super protective.

He laid her on the floor and shouted for the Med - Jacks to come. Brenda became one of the heads of the Med - Jacks. She came and started covering the big wound on her waist with bandaid. Though there were better doctors than her, I still trusted her more.

"The wound's pretty deep." Brenda said.

"So? She will be okay right?" Minho said while holding her hand.

"She might not live."

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