Chapter 1

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"Kimberly?" My mum shouts from my bedroom. I sigh and roll my eyes, only before I start to panic... What would she want me for? What did she find?

'Y-Yeah?" I stutter, trying to not make it obvious I was scared.

"What's this?" She asked, I could hear the confusion in her voice. My stomach quickly turned upside down, I knew what she found...

"What's what?" I ask, worry in my voice.

"This..." She walked out, and held a small purple pencil case in her hands. Shit. My stomach dropped.

"Um? What is it?" I walked over looking in the case, acting as though I didn't know what was in there, but in fact... I knew exactly what was in there.

My blades.

She picked one out, and saw the dry blood on it. Her eyes started watering, her lips trembling.

"I-I'm sorry..." Is all I manage to choke out before I run into my room and lock the door. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I start crying. Shit. I wipe my eyes, and start trashing my room, looking for my spare blades. I open my closet, and have a look through the shelves. A bright blue object stands out from me and I pick it up. It's my spares. I hurry into the bathroom, lock the door, and start my slashing frenzy.

I wipe my eyes but the tears keep flowing. I take a blade out of the little bag, and clench it in my fist.

"Kimberly?" My mum knocks on the door. "Kimberly, what are you doing?" She asks me, still kncoking on the door. I try to hide the pain in my voice and simply reply "nothing, I'll be out soon" and that was it, she left me alone.. At least I think she left me alone anyway, or she just went quiet.

I hold the blade to my wrist, and sigh... This is what I wanted, but did I really want to live with the scars? The questions from everyone? I sliced my wrist and the blood soon started to trickle down my arm. I cut a few more times, before putting the blade back in the bag and hiding it underneath the sink, and having a shower. I winced as the water hit my wrists, not that I moved away from it either. I knew I had to put up with it sooner or later...


I walked into class, 10 minutes late. The class turned there attention towards me, and the room fell silent.

"Umm, Miss.Flaye?" I walked up to her desk, hoping she wouldn't be angry. "Sorry I'm late.." I gulped, holding my breath until she spoke back. She looked at me, with disappointment.

"Over there." Miss.Flaye pointed to an empty spot. I sighed and walked over putting my stuff on the desk and sat down. I opened my book, got an eraser out, along with a sharp drawing pencil. I started out sketching a wrist, with scars and new cuts on it.. Basically what I felt at the time.

I felt a pair of eyes looking at my paper, so I quickly closed my book shut, and walked out the room, taking my book with me. I don't know who was looking, or why they were... I mean, it's not like anyone cares about me, the whole school couldn't care less about me... My mother is the only person who cares about me

I hurried through the empty hallways, knowing that someone would be hanging around. And with my luck, my fear, turned into reality.

"Oi Kimberly!" A familiar voice shouted from behind me, full of power and confidence. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around, facing my enemy and her so called 'friends'.

"What Naomi?" I mumbled, hiding my book behind my back.

"What are you doing out here? Get kicked out of class for being too fat again did ya?" She laughed and the other girls joined in. I sighed and looked at them all, rolling my eyes. Naomi looked at me, stopped laughing and started walking towards me, her eyes focused on me. "Don't you fucking role your eyes at me bitch!" And with that, she slapped me across the face, and punched my stomach.

I lay on the floor, holding my stomach, my eyes watering and tears threatening to spill from my dark blue eyes. Naomi and the other two girls, Jessica and Kirsty walked off, giggling. I buried my head, in my chest as I rocked back and forth on the floor, sobbing softly.

The bell rang, and the hallways started filling with students. Most of them, catching a glimpse of me and laughing, others, completely ignoring me or giving me a filthy look. I grabbed my book, hurried to my feet and rushed through the hallways, until I got to my locker. I unlocked my lock, shoved my book in my bag, and put my bag on my bag, closing my locker and locking it, still crying. I ran out of school and ran home, inside my mother sitting on the couch, watching tv. I ran up the stairs, into my room and slammed my door shut and locked it. Throwing my bag down, I threw myself on my bed, screaming into my pillow. My mother, Esther came up to my door and started knocking rapidly.

"Kimmie?" I heard her ask, before screaming into my pillow again, tears gushing from my eyes. "Kimmie?" She repeated.

"What?" I sniffled, wiping away my tears and sitting up on my bed.

"Can I come in?" My mum asked. I could tell she was scared... I could hear it in her voice. I sighed and looked around the room, for anything I needed to hide before she came in.

"Sure..." I sighed and unlocked the door. I sat back on my bed and she sat beside me, making the bed dip. "Yes?" I asked, looking at her. She looked back at me, a look of reassurance... That everything would be okay.

"What's wrong? You can tell me anything Kim" She smiled slightly, I smiled back a bit, letting her know that I understand.

"I know..." I sighed and looked at the ground.

She lifted her eyebrow, expecting me to answer. I sighed and looked at her, my eyes watering and my hands shaking wildly.

"It was..." I gulped, fighting the tears about to flow. "Naomi..." I mumble, looking down again.

"Naomi who?" She asked. I lifted my head, till my eyes met hers.

"Naomi Smith... She's the schools bitch..." I mumbled the last bit, knowing that my mum wouldn't appreciate me speaking like that. She looked at me. Shit. She heard me. "Sorry..." I sighed, looking up at her to meet her gaze.

"Don't speak like that... You know I don't like it..." She crossed her arms and stood up. "I'm going to the school... I'm not going to deal with this when it gets out of control and I-" I cut her off, my mouth drops.

"Mum! No!" I yell, giving her a glare.

"Why not!" She looks at me, placing her hands on her hips and tilting her to the right.

"Because it'll make everything worse!" I scream at her, a lone tear rolling down my cheek. She looks at me, and sighs.

"Aww Kimmie..." She whispers before pulling me into a hug. A hug filled with comfort and love. A hug saying 'I Love You'. A feeling you never want to let go. "I'm sorry baby!" She whispers into my ear as she rubs circles on my back, her head resting on the crook of my neck.

"Mum, it's okay... I promise." I smiled slightly. She sighed and pulled out of the hug. I quietly sighed; I've lost all those feelings now... "I love you mum..."

"I love you too Kimmie" She smiled, her eyes filling up with tears. I smiled back and leaned in for a hug again. She gave me another hug,

I loved the feeling of someone loving me, of someone not wanting to let me go. The feeling of love...

I mean, it sounds corny... But I love people making me feel special, but not any type of special... Like I mean something to them, like they need me...

I was dragged out of my thoughts, when my mum pulled away again. She looked at me, and smiled before standing up from my bed, and brushing her pants off. A nod and a smile were sent to me, just before she let my room, closing my door. I walked to my door, and locked it. Closing my curtains, I made my way to my drawers.

I sighed, before changing into a pair of dark grey sweats and a pale green jumper, and put my phone on my alarms clock and started playing music softly and quietly. Getting under my covers, and resting my head on my pillow, I soon fell asleep to the tune of I See Fire by Drew Chadwich.


This is my new fanfic, Sewn. I'm thinking big about this story, I quite like it!

I hope you enjoy sweet cakes!


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