*     *     *

Kurei arrives at the train station later on and waits for the stop. She looks around her and notices a few boys approaching her. "Hey cutie..", says one as Kurei ignores them and continues waiting for the train. "Oh come on don't be like that", says the second one as he reaches for her arm. She then moves it away and walks away. "Tch...How dare she ignore us..", says the last one as the three guys run over to her about to throw hands but as they do she jumps up leaving her bag on the ground. "Wh-What where did she go?", asks the second one as he is knocked out in a flash. "WH-WHAT THE HELL!? WHERE IS THE BITCH!?", yells the third one as attention is drawn to the scene.

 Kurei then moves even faster, floating above them she smashes their heads together knocking them out cold. She lands lightly on the ground and picks up her bag. "How annoying...", she says sighing as everyone around her is applauding. "Lady! That was so cool! Sugoi!", says a little boy making Kurei's rosy cheeks turn redder. "Th-Thank you..all of you..it was nothing really", she says slightly smiling. Everyone surrounds her and shakes her hands and the children holds onto her legs. "We have been afraid of those goons for months now and someone finally comes along and stops them", says a woman as the train stops. "Th-Thank you...all of you but, i must be going..", says Kurei as she pulls away and runs onto the train holding onto the door as it heads off with the wind blowing in her hair. "Heh...it felt amazing to help..", she says.

*     *     *

Kurei arrives in the forest where her request was supposed to to take place. "The hotel i'm supposed to be staying in", says Kurei as she walks up the path to the inn. "Here we are..", says Kurei walking into the inn as she shows the request and her insignia to the innkeeper. "Welcome...",says the innkeeper and he bows showing Kurei to her room. "The issue has been with constant monster noises outside of the inn and they have been disturbing the guests..I need you to rid of these monsters so my guests can rest at ease. "Of course", says Kurei as she enters her room and closes the door prepping everything before she heads out at night.

*     *     *

Night has now arrives and Kurei is getting ready to go monster hunting. "Alright ready to go..", says Kurei hopping out the window. She listens out closely for the monsters and hears many sounds but, not a single monster is heard. "Nothing..tch..how annoying... are they hiding...?", she says and hears a scream from inside the inn in one of the rooms. "Ah crap!", she attempts at jumping up where she heard the scream but is held down. She looks around her and can see many monsters. "Wh-What!? Why couldn't i sense their presence!", she says as the screaming continues but then a random blur flies out of no where and knocks out the monsters. "LEAVE HER ALONE!", it yells as Kurei is set free and she jumps up onto the window. "Where is the monster!?", she yells as she runs and comes across the innkeeper holding a child above its mother. "Tch! Let him go!", says Kurei as she moves at god speed knocking out the innkeeper and saving the child. 

"Here ma'am...", says Kurei handing the mother her child. "Oh thank you so much...", says the mother as Kurei blushes smiling. "Of course...no problem...it was my pleasure..", says Kurei as the mother holds out a lot of money to her. "N-No...i couldn't please keep it...", says Kurei as the mother looks upset. "I-I...please don't be upset..", says Kurei as the mother begins to explain. "Please..you came all the way out here to complete a job for money but, you were fooled and i need to give you something..please take it i have plenty more where that came from..", says the mother as Kurei looks at it and smiles. "Well..alright..", she says then takes the money sticking it in her bag. "I need to call the authorities and have this man and those other monsters arrested please enjoy your stay", says Kurei as she heads to her room and calls the authorities. A while later the authorities arrive and take the monsters away. Kurei then leaves the inn after her job was finished. "Wait...but who was that that helped me back there?", asked Kurei as she heads back to the scene. 

"Hello?", yells out Kurei lightly as she sees the bushes rustling. "E-Eh!?", she jumps and backs away slightly preparing to defend herself. A small cat like thing climbs out of the bush. "Hey! You're the girl from earlier!", says the tiny cat flying over to Kurei. "U-Um yeah...were you the one that helped me?", she asks as the cat nods. "Sure was", says the cat in return."Whats your name?", the cat asks. "I-Its Kurei..what about you?", she asks. "Its Takeshi!", says Takeshi as Kurei smiles. "Nice to meet you Takeshi", says Kurei. "Where are you headed?", asks Takeshi. "Back to Magnolia that is where my guild is", says Kurei as Takeshi is excited. "I can take you there! I can fly!", he flies in circles picking her up with his tail. "W-Woah!", yells Kurei as she holds the hem of her skirt. "W-Wait Takeshi!", says Kurei as he is already zooming through the sky. Kurei then sees the sparkling ocean. "Wow...its so beautiful up here...", says Kurei as Takeshi smiles. "Oh Takeshi..", says Kurei as he looks down to acknowledge her. "Magnolia is that way..", she points in the other direction. 

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