The Weakest

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The Fairy Tail guild has rebuilt itself and everyone is back to normal. Lucy settled everything that happened with her dad. Kurei on the other hand Memories are still gone. Mokorav taps on a booze bottle as everyone turns their attention to him. "Alright everyone I've got some good new and some bad news...", says Mokorav drunk as hell.

"What is it master?", asks Mirajane in a kind voice. "We have become the weakest guild in all of Fiore...", he says and falls back on the bar. "What!?", the whole guild yells in sync. "What's the good new gramps?", asks Gray as he sits back up burping. "The good news isssss that the Grand Magic Games are coming!", he yells out as everyone cheers except for Kurei.

"What are the Grand Magic Games?", asks Kurei as Mira explains to her. "It's an event where all guilds can enter in order to claim the title of the strongest guild in all of Fiore", says Mirajane as Kurei nods interested. "The event consists of different smaller events that a team must play or fight in in order to get points whomever gets the most points in the end will be declared the strongest", Mira adds as everyone gets excited.

"I wanna participate...", murmurs Kurei as Mira listens in on her and her thoughts. "That's the masters decision to make so try to impress him now and if you so you'll get a spot on the team!", says Mirajane cheerfully. "I see...I need to train hard if I'm going to impress the master...", says Kurei as master Mokorav dismisses us all. Kurei begins on her way to her to begin preparing. "I'm gonna win!", she says as she takes out a chest of things to help her.

Natsu walks into Kurei's room. "Hey Kurei!", says Natsu as Kurei stands up. "Hey Natsu!", she says as they sit and talk for a while. "I'm glad you're all healthy again and I heard you wanted to be on the team for the GMGs. Wanna train together to help prepare?", asks Natsu slightly embarrassed. "Heh sure Natsu definitely let's train hard this month!", says Kurei determined as he smiles. "Yeah!". He then leaves her room and notices Laxus walks into the room.

"Laxus? What are you doing here?", she asks as he sits down on her bed. "Just wanted to see if you wanted to train together for the GMGs. "Oh I already kinda promised Natsu but, you can train with us", she says hoping he agrees. "Tch...Natsu...", says Laxus as he gets up and pats the small girls head. "Let's just have at least a couple sessions alone alright?", he says as she nods and he leaves.

*     *     *

A month passes as everyone was training their asses off for a spot on the GMGs team. Mokorav was finally ready to decide as he calls out the teams. Team A will be: Natsu, Gray, Erza, Laxus, and Wendy. Team B will be Mirajane, Lucy, Mystogan/Jellal, Kana, and Kurei. That will be the teams for this year. Do well my children bring us home the gold.

"YES!", shouts Kurei internally as she knew the hardworking would pay off. "Now I have to keep training to stay in top condition for the games in three months", says Kurei. "Let's go!", she shouts as everyone congratulates her.

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