There was two but then there was three

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The ten year old Gajeel was walking with his seven year old brother Rogue. "Man this annoying...", says Gajeel as Rogue looks at him. "What's annoying, Gajeel?", asks Rogue as he holds two heavy baskets of berries on his head. "That we have to carry all this heavy shit", growls Gajeel as Rogue's eyes widen. "Gajeel is so cool...Sugoi!", says Rogue to himself quietly. "I could be off training to become the best Dragon Slayer in the world. Gajeel carries three more baskets of herbs for healing. 

"Hey Gajeel we can always go and train after we drop this stuff off at home", says Rogue as he stops in his tracks. "You sense it too?", asks Gajeel as Rogue nods slowly putting their things down the boys stand back to back with each other watching from every angle. "THERE!", yells Rogue as they jump out of the way as the food and herbs are destroyed. "SHIT!", yells Gajeel pissed off. "Who was that?", says Rogue quietly. "There! Watch out! Dammit...", says Gajeel pushing his brother to the ground. "Lets go! Hurry!", says Gajeel as the boys begin to run home as quickly as possible.

They are then stopped on the way. "The path is blocked!", says Gajeel as he looks around then sees the waterfall. "We need to jump", says Rogue slightly worried. "It's our only choice! Let's go!", says Gajeel as he grabs his brother hand and they jump yelling as they fall to their deaths. "Gajeel! We aren't going to make it!", yells Rogue as Gajeel frowns. "Tch! Not if i have anything to do about it!", says Gajeel as he pulls his younger brother close to protect him from the deadly fall.

*       *        *

Later on, the boys wash up on land and wake up at sunset. "Man....What the hell happened..", says Gajeel as he looks over at his brother who is waking up slowly. "You okay Rogue?", asks Gajeel slightly concerned as he stands up and wrings out his clothes and hair. "Y-Yeah..", says Rogue standing up as he rubs his head. " need to get home its already sunset...", says Gajeel as the boys begin walking up the hill to get home. "Who was that that was chasing us?", asks Rogue as Gajeel glances at him. "I don't know..", sighs Gajeel as they are nearly home.

"Metalicana and Skiadrum are already going to be worried...", says Gajeel sighing. "Well how are we suppose to explain why we are dirty and wet?", asks Rogue as Gajeel shrugs and the boys arrive walking up to the cave they live in. "We're home!", yells Gajeel as Metalicana comes out. "What happened to you two!?", he roars as the boys covers their ears. "W-We..", stutters Rogue as he didn't enjoy getting yelled at by Metalicana as Gajeel butts in. "We were being chased by someone..he destroyed the herbs and food but, we got away with our lives..", says Gajeel as he stands in to defend Rogue.

 Metalicana then sighs as he tells them to go inside. "There is someone you need to meet...", says the large Dragon as the boys look at each other and head inside slightly worried. "Who do you think it is?", asks Rogue as Gajeel shrugs with a very serious face. The boys walk to the back of the cave and they see Skiadrum standing by the patch of hay. "Come boys...", says Skiadrum as the boys walk over. "Who is it?", they ask and look into the patch of hay. 

There is a young girl with white short hair, pale skin, and big red eyes that sparkle like rubies, and rosy cheeks. "Hewo...", the little girl attempts at standing but falls forward on her face. Her eyes water as Metalicana picks her up with his tail. "This is Konata..", says Skiadrum as the boys are in shock. "She is now your little sister...protect her until she is strong enough...", says Metalicana seriously. "We will..", says the boys picking her up as Rogue looks her in the face and they play with her getting to know her.

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