Oh No...

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Everyone is back at Fairy Tail focusing on healing master Mokorav and rebuilding the guild. "Hey Kurei can you run out and go get Porlyusica?", asks Levy as she agrees. "Sure!", says Kurei as she leaves with Takeshi. "Who's Porlyusica Kurei?", asks Takeshi as people pass by them. Gajeel passes by Kurei and they sense each other.

"H-Huh?", she says as she turns and sees Gajeel pass her by. "Gajeel...", says Kurei as her head begins to hurt and he turns and sees her. "Kurei!", yells out Takeshi as he picks her up and Gajeel comes running. "K-Konata!", he shouts as her head begins to hurt even more. "T-Takeshi...", she murmurs passing out.

Gajeel then chases after the flying cat and Kurei. "No...I'm not letting you go...Not this time!", he shouts as he jumps into the trees but, loses her. "DAMMIT!!", he roars as Takeshi can hear it from behind. They eventually arrive at Porlyusica's. "We're here..", he flies down onto her porch and sets Kurei down.

Takeshi then knocks on her door. "Come in!", yells out Porlyusica as Takeshi picks up up Kurei and flies inside. "You're Porlyusica right?", asks Takeshi as Porlyusica turns and responds. "Who's askin?". "Well this is Kurei I think you've seen her before but....it's master Mokorav...he is in bad condition and we need you to come and help please!", says Takeshi bowing. Porlyusica then sighs.

"Alright just let me get my equipment", she says as she begins packing up her things. "Let's go..", she says as they begin on their way back to the guild.

*     *     *

Takeshi and Kurei arrive back at the guild later on with Porlyusica. "Great!", shouts Levy as she takes the healer to master Mokorav's room. Takeshi then sits Kurei down as she slowly wakes up from being unconsious. "T-Takeshi...", murmurs Kurei as she sits up rubbing her head. "You're awake im glad!", says Takeshi as he gives her a glass of water.

Kurei drinks her water as Mirajane walks over. "Hey Kurei", says Mirajane as Kurei acknowledges her presence. "Hey Mira", she says as the girls talk a loud explosion is set off outside of the guild and then another that leaves a whole in the wall. Everyone turns towards a large machine outside horrified.

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