Chapter 40

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I stood there with the puppies in my duffle bag staring at Kyler with a smile on my face. I put on my innocent face and sat my bag down.

"I'm going to ask you one more time Tinley... Why is there puppies in your bag?" Kyler looks not even the slightest bit impressed. But I don't care. I wasn't going to just leave them in a box outside in the rain! That's cruel!


"Do not yell at me Kyler! I swear to god!" I warn. He's pushing my buttons.

"Then answer the damn question!"

"They were in a box on the side of the road! Shivering and whining from the cold. They were wet and I wasn't going to just leave them there! I'm not a asshole!" I fire back. He looks dumbfounded by my outburst. Then before he could speak Hadley came running to me.

"Momma!" Then she saw my bag. Her eyes grew wide along with her smile.

"Hey baby girl." I bend down and kiss her.

"Do you like the puppies?" She nods her head eagerly, "you can pet one if you want to they are very nice." She smiles and slowly walks to my bag.

"Tinley! What are you doing they could have rabies or something don't let her touch one!" Kyler yells at me. I shoot him a glare.

"That's enough Kyler! I wouldn't let her if they weren't safe! And I wouldn't of brought them home if they weren't safe! So shut it!" I am seriously getting annoyed. I pick up Hadley and bring her too her room.

"Hadley can you stay in here and play with your toys? I have to talk to daddy." She nods and walks to her dollhouse.

When I leave her room I see Kyler in his same spot in the living room . His head quickly snaps to me. His glare was hard. He was pissed.

"So what made you think that this would be okay? Especially before talking to me." He crosses his arms over his chest and I walk towards him.

"Well Kyler for one, I never said we were keeping them. But I sure as hell wasn't going to let them freeze to death on the side of the road!" His eyes soften a little. I can tell he's starting to regret his words.

"I'm sorry baby." He then slowly walks to me and wraps his arms around me and dips his head in between my neck and shoulder.

"Kyler. There was no reason for you to act like a dick because I brought home puppies." I state. It's true he immediately jumped down my throat at the sight of them.

"I know, but you can't blame me. We don't have room in this small house for 3 dogs. That will eventually become bigger. And not to mention the cost of having 3 dogs. You have to get them fixed, or when they get hurt, all of the vet bills and getting them registered. I work enough to keep us in a comfortable place. Nice house and food along with things we need. I can't pay for you, Hadley, the house, and food, and three dogs and myself. It's too much." I nod I understand.

"But you do know I love you right?" He whispers.

"I do, and I love you too." I reply giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Honey you know the anniversary of your mothers passing is coming up." I'm on the phone with my dad talking about the day we go and visit mom. We always visit mom on the day.

"I know dad I know, tomorrow to be exact." I hate this day, it brings back memories of mom and I miss her.

"Yeah, so I was thinking we could visit her around 12 and I could bring some sandwiches?"

"Sure dad sounds like a plan. I'll leave Hadley with Kyler and I'll drive to your house so we can ride together."

"Okay, I'll see you then. Love you sweetie, hugs to the family."

I then hang up and head to bed. Cause I know tomorrow will only bring tears.
Dad and I left about 15 minutes ago to the cemetery. It's not a long drive. But it is when you don't talk. Dad and I were always quiet on this drive. We both missed mom so much and this day only causes pain.

"We are here." Dad says. I look up and see bright green grass and nice looking grave stones, none of them are cracked, or covered In Dirt. They are clean and nice looking. Then there are the big black iron gates that we have to drive through. And beautiful flowers everywhere.

Dad pulls over on the path and we get out. We then make it to moms grave.

'Here lies Melissa Marie Carter. Loving Wife, Mother, and friend.'

"Hey mom, well I hope you are happy and at peace up there. I hope you are enjoying mine and Kyler's little angel. And I hope she knows how much we love and miss you both. I wish you were here to watch me play softball, I wish you were here when I found out I was going to have Hadley, and I wish you were there in the hospital with me holding my hand while I had her. Whispering things in my ear like 'it's okay baby, just keep going, you are strong.' And I imagined that you were. I know you were there in a way. But you weren't physically there and that hurts the most. I just hope you are safe and taking care of yourself. Behaving I hope. Making pies and treats for all the angels. I love you mom." I plant a kiss on my fingers and set my hand on her stone.

"Hello Melissa, my wife, brightest star, my rock, and best friend. I cannot believe that you are gone. It's hard to imagine that you have been gone this long, but I know you are at peace. I wish I had your loving words and guidance for our reckless daughter over here, I love and miss you everyday my sweet. And I can't wait to see you again." Dad says while repeating my actions. I started crying and dad did too. We hugged each other and after what seems like years. We calmed down and ate our food just talking About the best memories we had with mom. And how we are continuing to make good memories even with her gone. I still have the best family and friends and I realized. Everything is going to be fine.

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