Chapter 6 (Tinley)

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We all follow her to a empty room. "Take a seat on the bed and the doctor will be in shortly." She says before walking out of the room. I look at the two men standing on either side of the bed. Kyler on my left and Ricko on my right. "Damn my hand hurts." I say the boys both look down at my hand. "Well well well looks like the tough girl feels pain after all." Kyler said. I slapped him with my left hand. He chuckled. "Hey as long as your hand isn't too damaged and you can get back to working out and beat the shit out of that girl again. Maybe don't punch her so hard next time." Ricko said I couldn't help but laugh. The doctor knocks and then walks in.

"Hello Ms. Carter." the doctor says as he looks at the two men at my sides. "So what happened?" he asks as he gestures to my hand. "Well Doc I got in a fight and one punch done did it for my knuckles." The boys chuckle. "I see... Has there been any pain?" No not at all i'm just here because I was bored. "Yes doctor there is a lot of pain, I noticed that my knuckles have become darker and its really sore." I say lifting my hand so he can get a better look. "I see, that's pretty dark. So how long after the fight did it start changing colors?" I thought for a second. "Almost immediately after. Probably like five minutes." I say with a shrug. "Well we are going to take some X-Rays to see where to go from there. We will get ya fixed up in no time.

They had me sit in a chair with my hand on the X-Ray table. Afterwards we went back to the room and the doctor showed my X-Ray. "Well you must hit with a lot of force because you broke every single one of your knuckles. I look down at my hand and I can feel it throbbing. Kyler looks at me with a worried look. I wonder why. "So what do I do about it then?" I say kind of snobby. "Tinley." Ricko slaps my arm. I roll my eyes. "Well there isn't much we can do about broken knuckles but give you a cast, with some cream's to help with the bruising. You will need to wear the cast for six weeks then come back so I can see how it is working." He says looking at my chart. "This is such Bullshit." I mumble to myself. "Tinley you broke your knuckles. They wont heal if you don't do this." Ricko says rubbing my back. "No because i'm going to have to go to school with a cast on my hand and Clair is going to see it and be like 'Oh look at her poor little hand, Miss oh I can walk away from a fight without a scratch.' She is so ridiculous." I say. "Tinley I will make sure she doesn't bother you while you are healing." Kyler says with a sympathetic look on his face that makes me trust him. "Why? If she comes up to me about I will not hesitate to break them all over again because i will beat the shit out of her." I say getting all mad. "Becasue Tinley, It wouldn't be a fair fight if you were injured and you couldn't defend yourself." He says. It is a valid point. But I don't understand why he even cares.

Leaving the hospital we went back to the Gym. The boy's were working out while I watched them or I stood on their feet counting how many sit ups they did at a time. I couldn't do anything! This was going to be a long ass 6 weeks. I said goodbye to Ricko, and I walked out to Kylers Jeep and climbed in. "I'm sorry." I say looking down at my cast. "For what?" kyler looked confused. As if he didn't know he just wants me to say it out loud. "For punching you and slapping you." I mumbled. "Oh that? Nah it's alright. I don't even care about that now. I think my face hurt your hand worse." He chuckled and I smiled. "You know Tinley? You are really beautiful when you smile." I look up at him, my face was red I could feel it. "Why are you all of the sudden being so nice to me." "I know you don't actually like me. So why?" I ask nervous for what he might say. "Well... I don't know how to feel about you. Through all of your stubbornness and attitude you always put me in a better mood. This morning when you walked past my house I was yelling at my mom because she wouldn't give me my keys. But then I got them. But when I saw you walking I wanted to walk up to you and Kiss you. Because believe it or not you are growing on me." He said looking completely genuine. But this could be him trying to tease me like he said he would. I didn't know what to say. I was lost for words.

He pulled up to my house and walked me to my door. Strange. "Alright well thank you for the ride, And for driving me to the hospital." I say with a smile. He smiled too. He looked like he was thinking about something. Then my dad pulled the door open oh yeah he was mad. Again. He looked at Kyler and then at me. "Tinley Paige Carter! Why the hell weren't you at school today?!" Great right in front of Kyler. I was really shocked when Kyler opened his mouth. "Sorry sir, But can I ask you something?" My heart sped up. Oh Lord. "I was wondering if I could take your daughter on a date tomorrow evening?" I was shocked. But I was even more shocked by what my dad said. He was all about politeness and I could see a hint of happiness behind all that anger. "Yes. You may. But if you could excuse us we have to talk." He nodded and kissed me on the cheek. I was all red. But when he drove off dad pulled me into the house. "What the hell Tinley?!" "Dad calm down. I had to go to the hospital because I got in a fight yesterday and broke all my knuckles." His face softened. "You didn't tell me you got in a fight." he looked sad. "I'm sorry daddy." I broke down crying and he pulled me into a hug. When his wife walked in and started yelling "What the hell?! Where have you been? You skipped school all day and didn't come home till now?!" "Shut it! My daughter was at the hospital today and you don't have a right to talk to her that way. Deal with your own kids and I'll deal with mine." My dad said holding me tighter. He kissed the top of my head. Then I went to bed. My phone buzzed sending a smile on my face.

Kyler: Dress nicely tomorrow, ill pick you up. ;)

Me: Okay, So a date huh? :)

Kyler: Yep, So feel special I don't EVER take girls on a date. ;)

Me: Well I do. Goodnight Kyler, Sorry again for punching you.

Kyler: Oh don't worry about it babe ;) Goodnight XOXO

Oh my word. This boy will be the death of me. <3 Tinley you better know what you are doing.

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