Chapter 22

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"He what?!" Blair yells grabbing my hand and pulling it right to her face.
"He asked me to marry him." I say biting my bottom lip.
"Holy Shit! I-I don't even know what to say? Congratulations!" She says pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you, I can't believe it either."

"We have to take pictures! So you remember this special time in your life!" Blair says screaming
"Well great idea... But I will always remember it. I asked him to get me Nutella and he made Hadley wake up, then her onesie says 'Will you Marry my Daddy?' And he came in with a run and did this big spiel and asked." I say playing with the ring.
"Doesn't matter." She says waving her hand. "We are still going to take pictures even if I have to drag you both by the ears." She says like it was something casual to say. Blair and her pictures... I guess it's good that we have a family photographer and she is free.
"Fine we will go willingly. Help me pick out wheat I'm going to wear." I grab her hand and drag her to my room. She is going through my drawers and closet. When she finally sees it. A white dress and my boots.
"This. You have to wear this." She says and throws me my dress. "And Kyler will wear jeans and a black dress shirt." She pulls out his clothes and sets them on the bed.
"I hope your fiancé doesn't care that I went through his clothes. I have a good reason." She says shrugging her shoulders.
"Eh he won't mind. When he gets back from the store we will do the pictures." She just nodded and went into Hadley's room.

"Where is my niece?" She says putting her hand on her hip and talks with a sassy attitude.

"She is with Grandpa and Grammy Benson today. My dad wanted to play with her but Kyler's mom already had today reserved but I brought it up and she agreed to sharing the day." I say putting my shoes on.

"Well someday I will reserve a day for her to spend time with me." I just nodded and fixed my hair. Kyler walks through the door and has a gallon of milk in his hand. He walks over to me and kisses me.

"Hey gorgeous" Kyler says setting the milk on the counter and he grabs my waist and pulls me close.

"Hey handsome," I say rubbing my hand on his chest and up to his shoulders.

"Barf." Blair says interrupting the moment.

"You are barf." Kyler says rolling his eyes

"Maybe... But you are still dog shit." Blair said crossing her arms.

"And you both are drama queens. Now Kyler go get changed we are taking pictures for our engagement." I then kiss him on his lips.
He looks skeptical at first then walks off. When he comes out Blair leads us to the field. She has taken a bunch but we really like one of just my shoulder length down and it doesn't show our heads.

"Thanks for taking the pictures barf bag." Kyler says once we finished.

"No problem dog shit." Blair said back.

"Thank you BLAIR, for taking our pictures." I say looking at Kyler he just rolls his eyes.
They are friends but they have a weird relationship. They always pick on each other it's quite amusing.

After awhile Blair decides to go home and we have to go pick up Hadley. We hop into the Jeep and Kyler pulls out of the drive way.

"I love taking pictures with you..." He says randomly.

"I love taking them with you too."

"It allows me to show you off, and brag about how I got you and no one else can have you." He then leans in and kisses me. I love him so much.
We pull into Kyler's moms house and walk in. I see Hadley on the floor with her toys and Mrs. Benson sitting in the chair with a cup of coffee and a book on her lap. I then see my dad lounging across the couch watching golf on the TV. Great dad got comfortable here. (Sarcasm).

"Oh hello dear," Mrs. Benson says closing her book.

"Hey mom," Kyler says pulling her into a hug.

"Hey dad," I wave looking at him. He turns the TV off and walks to Hadley and picks her up. He walks over to me and hands her to me.

"Hello Hadley Elizabeth, mommy missed you today," I say kissing her temple.

"Annnnd daddy missed you too," Kyler said copying my action.

"Well she had a good day with Grammy and Grandpa." Kyler's mom said.

"Good, we'll have to do this again!" I say in a cheery voice.

"I had a good day with you Hadley! Grandpa loves you, and Dad loves you Tinley." My dad says kissing mine and Hadley's head then walks out to his truck.

We said our goodbyes and put Hadley in the car and headed home. It was a comfortable silence on the way home, Kyler got Hadley ready for bed and we both said goodnight. She was sleeping pretty early tonight cause it was long and tiring day.

A/N: WARNING!! Don't read the rest of the chapter if you don't like reading sexual things.

"Hey sexy," Kyler said wrapping his arms around my waist and playing with the hem of my shirt.

"Hey," I reply.
"Want to go to the bedroom?" Kyler asks slowly making his hands up my sides. I grab his hands and pull them off me. I turn around to face him and I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and lifted it over my head. Leaving me in my bra and pants. He instantly slams his lips against mine and bites my bottom lip. I moan into his mouth and I grab the bottom of his shirt and start lifting of it. He pulls away and lifts it up and off. He drops it too the floor and pins me against the wall. He then unbuttons my pants sliding them down to my ankles. I step out of them. Leaving them on the floor, I undo his belt and pants and his just drop. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. My arms are wrapped around his neck and he is continuing to bite my bottom lip a slip his tongue in. He starts playing with the clasp on my bra, he groans when it doesn't come undone. I smile against his lips. It finally comes undone and it slides off my shoulders and he rips it off my arms. We slowly made it too our bedroom door and the door was closed so I opened it. He sets me down and closes the door. He walks over to me and pins me against the bedroom wall. He slid his hand down my underwear he slid one finger inside me and then adds another one. I let out a moan. I couldn't finish like this.
"K-Kyler," I say pulling his hair.
He groans and rips them off. Damn those were my favorite. He then lifts me up and I slide his boxers down with my feet. He lays me down on the bed and reaches into the bedside drawer for a condom. When he finds one he rips the wrapper open with his teeth and slides it on. He hovers over me, his member right at my entrance. I couldn't wait anymore I push him down with my feet and legs. He groans and kisses my neck. I let out a moan as he thrusts in and out. As I get closer and closer to my limit, he goes faster.
"Kyler!" I moan as I pull his hair
"Tinley," he growls against my neck. Once we finished Kyler just laid on top of me for a minute and he kissed me.

"I love you Tinley, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He says as I cuddle up closer to him
"I love you too Kyler, and I can't wait either." And I slowly drift off to sleep.

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