Chapter 16

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Blair came to the house the next morning with Jonah and my dad, and Kylers mom. Blair insisted on taking family pictures while Hadley was still a baby, I wasn't complaining I loved getting my picture taken and I want to show off how beautiful our baby girl is.
"Where is my niece!" Blair yelled as she was walking down the hallway. "I just got her dressed, she is in her room. We can't start with pictures yet because Kyler is in the shower." I say rolling my eyes. "You guys talking about me again?" I heard his voice and turned around and kissed him. Blair comes out with Hadley and I notice she changed her.
"Hey! Why did you change her?" I asked a little offended. I thought she looked adorable in the outfit I had her in.
"I changed her, it killed me because she looked so amazing in what you put her in... But it wasn't what I was going for."
She had Hadley in a white fluffy dress with a white lacey headband. And her dark brown hair topped the whole look off.
"Let me see my granddaughter." My dad says reaching out to grab her from Blair. Blair is definitely a baby hog... I wonder what my mother thinks of her, I wonder if she sits in the chair in her room at night to spend time with her. I know she loves her, there is no doubt in my mind that my mother loves her. It really hurts when I think about Hadley growing up without knowing her other grandma. A tear slid down my cheek and Kyler noticed.
"Baby what wrong?" He asked in a concerned tone.
"Oh I'm just thinking about my mom, and wondering how she would be with her." I say wiping the tears.
"Oh honey" my dad says, "she would love her, she does love her I know it. When you were at the hospital I could feel her there. And when we went in the room to see you and the baby I could feel her there too." He says gently bouncing a fussy Hadley. I walk over and give him a hug, and take Hadley to go feed her.
After she finished eating I brought her too Kyler because Blair said she wants him holding her while I stand in front of him a look down at her. We all nod in agreement and head to the backyard. We take a few shots and Blair takes single shots of each of us and the baby. When we finally finished I put Hadley in her room and we all hung out as a family, they had to leave and it was about 1:00 in the afternoon. Kyler wanted to take us out but I instantly said no. We can't be wasting our money on going out all the time and Hadley is still small so the cold air could get her sick. We stayed home and Kyler and I made stuffed shells. Our favorite. But instead of lunch that turned into a early dinner cause they take so long to make.
It was about 8 now when Kyler and I got Hadley ready for bed. We just gave her a bath and put her in some nice fuzzy jammies. She looked so comfy. Kyler was holding her while I went to shower. When I got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me I walked out passing Hadley's room, I heard whispers so I leaned in close so I could hear better.
"Hadley some day I'm gunna marry your mommy, and you will be the flower girl. You will have a pretty dress on and some nice things in your hair, you will throw white rose petals because those are your mommy's favorite. I don't know why I was so mean to your mommy when I first met her... Maybe it's because I was nervous about talking to her. When i looked down at the person who ran into me I felt as if I couldn't breathe. She was so beautiful and I hadn't seen her anywhere before so I knew she was new to the school. My first reaction was to be mean because... Well that's all I knew how to do. Plus your uncles were there and they would have picked on me if I was all nice a mushy too her. But it all worked out in the end because now we have you, and we are in love, and we have a cute house together. And guess what. Someday you can live here. But NOT under the same circumstances as mommy and I." He says kissing the top of her head. I wiped the tears that had fallen from my face and I push the door open slightly as it creaked. Kyler looks up at me with a shocked expression.
"I love you!" I whisper and walk up to him and give him a kiss.
"Babe... I love you too. But there is a child in the room go put some clothes on." He orders jokingly. I chuckle and kiss Hadley on top of the head and I walk to my room. A few minutes later when Kyler walks in he wraps his arms around my waist from the back. He kisses me on the neck and starts whispering. "I meant it you know." As he kept kissing me. "I know you did, and I love you for telling our 4 day old like she is going to talk back and be like 'aww daddy that's so cute'" I chuckle at the thought. "Someday she will say that." He says kissing me, suddenly he lifts me up and throws me on the bed and hovers over me, he starts kissing me before he rolls over and tosses the blanket over the both of us and pulls me close to him so his body heat repeals off of him and onto me. We start to doze off when all the sudden Hadley starts crying. Ah loving motherhood right now. But gotta love her!

Im in Trouble...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن