Chapter 33

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Kyra's P.O.V:

God let me visit my family. I was so happy. But I knew they wouldn't be able to see me like I could see them. I saw my grandpa leave my mommy and daddy's house. He seemed shocked. But happy. I knew it was cause daddy told him about grandma. He didn't know that mommy and daddy lost me. I don't think they were going to tell him either. Grandma was with me, visiting. She was sad but happy to see them. She laughed and was happy with tears when my mommy and daddy were picking out my name. She knew what mommy was thinking which was soooo cool. I wish I could do that. She said daddy wanted to name me after her but she knew mommy didn't like that name for her babies. Mommy blames herself for not having me. She thinks it is because the doctors told her she couldn't have anymore kids. She cries a lot when sissy is napping and daddy is working. I feel so bad and I want to hug her and tell her it wasn't her fault. But I knew I couldn't.

"Kyra honey?" Grandma asked.

"Yes grandma?" I asked looking up at her with my green eyes that she said was her favorite thin about me.

"Want to go visit grandpa? See what kind of trouble he's getting into?" I smiled and nodded while looking back at my mommy, daddy, and sissy.

Sissy scared me when she yelled

"Kyra! Angel she can see you." Grandma says squatting to my level. Wait she could? I was happy, I could play with my sissy! Even though mommy and daddy couldn't see me.

Sissy kept saying stuff but I was too happy to hear her. Soon grandma grabbed my hand and we went to see grandpa.
Tinley's dads P.O.V:

I knew what Kyler told me was true. What he said sounded just like something Melissa would say. I chuckled at the thought of her putting one hand on her hip while the other was pointing at me. Scolding me for choosing a bad wife, and step mother for our daughter. I knew it wasn't because she didn't want to see me happy. I knew she did. I had the best wife. Still do cause clearly she has been keeping an eye out for me.

When I got home I saw my 'wife' sitting at the table with a book in front of her. It was one of the romance novels she always read. She looked up and had a bored look on her face when she saw me.

"Where have you been? It doesn't take that long to drop off a stupid baby, to your teenage daughter." Well thank you for making this easier now I won't feel bad.

"Listen Shelly. I can't stand you anymore. I'm sorry but I have felt this way for awhile. You aren't the right woman for me and my family. You cannot accept my choices and decisions with my daughter and I cannot accept you for doing that. She didn't make a mistake by having a baby. Yes she was extremely young and shouldn't of had too. But things happen and she is not stupid. Call her that again and I'll kick you out right now without your things and I'll burn it all. I did get a prenup for a reason. I am filling for a divorce. I'm sorry it had to happen this way." I say feeling 100 times lighter on my feet. She looked shocked, angry, sad, bewildered. Many things, but I felt relieved.

"Oh really? You will burn my things? You will kick me out on the spot? I don't think so. I was planning on leaving you anyways. You and your daughter are a bad influence on my daughters. I don't want them to end up 15 and pregnant like yours." She snapped my jaw locked. Nobody! Criticizes my daughter for what happened. EVER. I went to my room and grabbed my matches and I put all of her things in a basket and walked with it outside. She followed and was yelling at me. I tuned her out. I dropped all of the stuff on the dirt in my driveway. I poured some kerosene on it and dropped the match. Soon it was a big pile of flames. Shelly was hitting me on the back but what good is it gunna do? Everything is already burning. Soon I saw my daughters car pull up with Kyler and Hadley. They must be wondering why I left so sudden earlier. I saw a smile play across Tinley's lips as she noticed what I was burning. Shelly looked and noticed the smiles that everyone had on their faces. She growled and walked towards Tinley. She started yelling at her.

"This is all your fault you little whore! You had to get knocked up huh? Didn't have enough attention already from your mommy issue? Well you might 'claim' that she happened because of a mistake but now you have the proof of your mistake in your arms and sitting on your hip!" She screamed. I say Tinley's eyes turn darker as she made a fist with both hands. Her knuckles turning white.

"Excuse Me?!" She gritted through her teeth. Kyler and I froze. Still shocked at Shelly's outburst. She walked closer so she was face to face with Tinley. But she wasn't even close. Tinley towered over her. She had a whole 4 inches on Shelly.

"You heard me." Shelly grunted in her face.

"Can you back the hell up? I can smell the skank on your breath." She said still looking down at Shelly.
Shelly then smacked Tinley hard across the face. Tinley's head snapped to the left. Already making a red mark. I nor Kyler could get involved knowing Tinley had this in the bag. It still pissed me off when I saw that she hit my daughter.

Tinley looked down at Shelly her gaze hard and cold.

"Oh I have been waiting a LONG time to do this." She growled.

She then grabbed a fistful of Shelly's hair with her left hand and ripped her head back. She then punched her in the face with her right. Punch after punch she started saying things. No yelling things.

"You do not blame my daughter for what happened ever! It wasn't anyone's fault! It just happened! Keep talking shit like you're the fucking queen. Because you got pregnant at 16 so shut your mouth." She then wailed two more punches to her face. "And you leave my mother out of this! She was good, innocent! And she was the best damn mother ever and what happened to her was shitty and my dad and I went through hell! Still going through it she's gone! I would wish it to have been you instead but I wouldn't wish this kind of pain on anyone! I wouldn't wish that on your family that I don't even care about! But this pain hurts and it never leaves! I hope you have a broken nose from this bitch so you remember this lesson." She yelled grabbing Shelly's shirt and pulling her close. Then whispered "now get the fuck out of my dads house before I do more damage." Then she let go of her shirt and she fell. I muffled a laugh. Kyler had his body turned so Hadley couldn't see. He also had her head pressed against his chest and a hand over her exposed ear so she couldn't hear the profanities coming out of my daughters mouth. Soon Shelly and her daughters left my house with all of their belongings. Thank god. They are gone.  Walked over to my daughter who hugged me and started crying. I knew it was because she was angry that Shelly brought up her mother. Trust me I was too. But it hurt me to see my little girl crying. Soon Kyler came and wrapped his arm around Tinley pulling her into his side. He kissed the top of her head and rubbed her bicep.

We walked inside my house and I made Spaghetti for dinner, making dinner for them was strange but it felt good. I missed spending time with my family. If only I had my beloved wife by my side. Melissa.

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