Chapter 27

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Once Kyler got home we loaded up the Jeep and left to get to the lake house. I couldn't wait for S'mores and just plain old marshmallows. Mmmm. Those were some of my favorite parts about the lake house. I remember my dad trying to make me a perfectly golden brown one and not even three seconds later it just burst into flames. Then when he blew on it it flung off his stick and onto his boot. I couldn't stop laughing.

I couldn't help but smile at the memory. I wish we had times like that when mom was alive. I knew she loved camping, fires, marshmallows, hiking, and swimming. She loved to swim. Must be where I get it from. If there is water normally I'll be in it. I was having nice thoughts about mom when I got a text from a unknown number.

Unknown #: Hey sweet cheeks, I just want you to know that I'll be seeing you around soon. ;) can't wait.

I stare blankly at the message for a while then Kyler notices. He read the message and gave me a confused look.

"Who the hell is that?!" He yells, I look at him and give him a stare.

"Kyler I have no idea who this is... I don't even know how they got my number, cause I certainly don't have theirs!" I yell back. He can't possibly think that I was cheating. I would never do that. Ever.

"Oh really? Text them back and ask who they are and how they got your number." He says angrily.
I didn't hesitate to reply exactly what he said. A few minutes later I got another text from the same person.

: well it's pretty easy to get numbers from people. And you can tell your little boyfriend or whatever that the names Jason. He'll know.

Kyler pulls over and looks at my phone. I can see he looks angry. But I don't know why. I don't know a Jason, never met one that stuck in my brain either.

"Who the hell is Jason?" I ask irritated that he has clearly unfinished business with Kyler but he uses me to get to him.

"Jason Heal. We used to be best friends until we started playing football, he got put on the rival team and I tried to be his friend but changed throughout the season. And when I texted him to ask him about it he just started acting like a dick. And said a lot of mean things, things that pissed me off. So we got into a fight one day and he ended up with a broken nose and some bruised ribs. I have a scar on my back because he cut me with his little pocket knife that he had. Then he started liking this girl, but then i wanted to get revenge for stabbing me and acting like a dick. Now he's goi g to try and get back at me. By trying to get to you." He say with his tone rising.

"Listen Kyler Hadley is in the car so try and keep your voice down. And you don't have to worry about him trying to get with me. I don't want anyone other than you. And to prove it I'll block his number." So that's what I did. I had no reason to get flirty messages from this guy when I don't even know him or want the messages. Kyler is the only one I want. He watched me block the number and let out a breath of relief.

"Thanks baby, I know you wouldn't leave me and our life for him. But it does make me feel better that he can't hit on you anymore." He says leaning in for a kiss. He then pulls out and heads towards the camp.

When we finally made it it was 3:45 p.m. Dad and Kole come walking up the hill from the lake. Looks like they just finished fishing. They notice us and start grinning.

"Hey sis," Kole says wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I can't hide the smile on my face.

"Hey bro," I reply gently punching his chest. He chuckles. He then turns and looks at Kyler. His smile grows.

"Hi I'm Kole, Tinley's brother." He says while shaking Kyler's hand. Kyler smiles and replays with his name and that he's my fiancé. Soon we hug my dad and Kole looks at Hadley in my arms. He smiles and starts talking to her.

"Hey baby doll, uncle missed you." He then takes her from my arms and starts playing with her.

"Well? Who wants some food?" My dad yells in a happy tone. We all nod our heads. Dad then goes and fires up the grill, while I take Hadley down to the shore. She sticks her feet in and I hold her hands. Once Hadley's feet touch the water her mouth turns to the shape of a 'O' and lifts her feet so I'm holding Her up. I chuckles at her because she just looked so damn cute. But after awhile she starts walking around with me still holding her hands.

I look up at my dad who is grilling away happily and Kyler and Kole tossing the football around. Dad snaps me from my thoughts with him calling for us to come eat.

After we ate, dad took Hadley inside and got her in her pj's. He then gave her to me and I put her in the camper in the big bed where Kyler and I will also sleep. I don't want her to be cold tonight.

When I walk back out I see that the guys got a fire going, yay! Marshmallow time. I lick my lips and walk over to the fire. I take the metal stick from Kyler's hand and put a marshmallow on. I start to roast it and it looks so perfect. I put it on my chocolate and graham cracker, as I went to eat it Kole snatched it from my hand and started eating it. Two bites and it was gone. I sat there in disbelief. He just ate my freaking s'more!

"Kole! You are such an ass!" He just smirks at me.

"Well I DO have a pretty great one." I roll my eyes and slap him. Everyone around me just starts laughing. I think this is a end to a pretty great day.

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