[Chapter 14] It's Time

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-Sam's POV-

Anthony, Ian, and I were standing in front of the large army behind us, waiting in the open battlefield for Idris and her army to arrive. But instead of Idris to appear first, Joey and some girl appeared. The two of them rushed towards us and Anthony dropped his weapon, "Kalel?" He croaked.

She walked up to him and pulled him into a hug. He slowly hugged her back and buried his head into her shoulder.

"I'm so glad you're alive, Kalel," He told her, "I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for hurting Rachael. I'm sorry for being the monster I am."

Joey separated Anthony and Kalel and smacked Anthony across the face, "This is not a time to be weak, Anthony!" Joey cried, ruining the, what I thought was an, adorable moment Anthony had with Kalel, "You can do that when things go back to the way they were!"

Anthony glared at Joey as he picked up his tomahawk from the ground and got back into ready position. Kalel and Joey joined our line and waited with us.

I turned my head to look over at Ian, who I saw was looking at me. "Sam?" He whispered, "I want to tell you something before we never see each other again."

"You don't know that, Ian," I told him, returning my attention back to the battlefield, "Crazy things happen in the real world. And who knows? We could run into each other once again."

"I love you, Sam," He told me. I glanced over at him briefly before looking away, "I know I love Natalie, but, you make me feel just the way she did. I don't want us to be separated. I want us to go. I don't want to fight."

"We have to though..." I muttered, "Without this fight, Rachael and Natalie will be gone for good. Without this fight, my grandpa won't be here. Without this fight," I turned towards him and gulped, "You'll never be able to go back to your normal ways, when you're a successful, happy YouTuber."

He dropped his sword and pulled me into a kiss. As I melted into the kiss, I felt a pain start in my throat, something began to restrict my breathing way.. I pulled out of the kiss and looked into the battlefield and saw Idris standing with a crowd of other people behind her.

Anthony shouted and everyone rushed over to fight Idris's army. Ian dragged me to the side, where Kalel followed and started casting spells in attempt to help me, but it was no use. I was dying. I knew it.

"You've got to save her!" Ian cried to Kalel.

"I'm trying, Ian! I'm trying! But whatever I do isn't working!" She shouted back upon casting another unsuccessful spell, "Go, you need to fight," She told him.

"I'm not leaving Sam's side."

"Go!" She screamed flying him into the battlefield. I sat up slightly, which caused me great pain, only to see him get back up, pick up his sword, and join the battle, which we were losing, fast.

"Kalel?" I croaked, looking at her as she sat back on her heels, trying to determine what to do.

"Shh," She told me, putting her finger up to my lips as she cast yet another futile spell.

"We're not going to win, are we?" I asked hoarsely before lying back down on the cold, ash covered ground.

She chuckled, "Don't worry, Samantha. We'll win. I've been waiting for this day just as much as you have. And just as much and Rachael and Natalie have."

I felt so weak, "I failed, just like everyone's been telling me." I murmured.

"You didn't fail, Sam," She told me as she cast another spell that didn't work, "Look at that," She pointed out to the battlefield where Ian and Anthony killed one wizard together and were onto the next, "You brought two men who swore they'd never unite with one another together! That's all the prophecy needed, Sam."

"The prophecy is bullshit..." I closed my eyes and heaved a sigh, "My mom was right, there was no prophecy."

Kalel looked to her left as Joey grabbed her by the arm, "It's time."

She looked down at me before running away with Joey. I barely was able to hold myself up on my arms to see that all of the witches and wizards had been killed besides Kalel, Joey, and Idris. Anthony and Ian held her down on her knees in the middle of the battlefield covered with the carnage of the battle as Kalel slowly approached her.

"Please," I heard Idris cry, "Don't do this. I just wanted the best for our people, Kalel! You must understand!"

Kalel shook her head, "I do understand, Idris. You wanted the best for you, Idris. For you." She turned towards Anthony who handed her his gun, "You risked the lives of countless, innocent witches and wizards who were completely  fine with living in the shadows. You killed your own daughters, who did nothing but what you told them to do. And, last but not least, you sent me to be isolated in that space between hell and the world we live in. Now it's your turn to have no one hear you." She pointed the gun to her head and pulled the trigger. Just as I fell back and everything went black.

Demons (Smosh FanFic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora