[Chapter 4] Taken Away

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-Sam's POV-

Second order of business was to get Ian and the other witch to cooperate. I walked all the way to Ian's camp, and once I got there I fell flat on my face, exhausted, starving, and thirsty. People immediately surrounded me and picked me up. I didn't know what was happening until I was thrown to the ground right in front of someone. I looked up and saw Ian standing over me.

"Ian!" I exclaimed, picking myself up, "It's such a relief to see you..."

"And you are...?" He asked me.

The girl standing beside him tapped him on the shoulder and whispered something into his ear. His eyes widened and he started backing away. The girl stood between us and wouldn't let me talk to him or even go near him.

"Please!" I screamed into the air, "I must tell you something!"

The girl glared at me, "Stay away from him. You're nothing but trouble."

"Who are you?" I asked.

She crossed her arms over her chest, "I'm Natalie. The witch. And I advise you to walk away right now and never come back here. I'm not going to let Ian and that Padilla fool make up. Because that means that I'm going to die, and that's not going to happen."

"What? Who said you were going to die?" I questioned.

"I'm a witch, I can see the future. And it just so happens that me dying is part of the prophecy, prophecy. Now get your ass as far away as you can before I hurt you," She threatened me.

"No," I argued. She didn't really scare me; she was nothing compared to the Anthony when I first saw him, "I'm not going away. I need your help. And I've already got your sister's."

"My sister's?" She retorted anxiously, "What about my sister?"

"Don't you communicate with her?"

She frowned, "We haven't talked since the world ended," She looked up at me, "Can you tell me something? Is she well?"

I sighed, "I'm afraid not. She's very ill and very unhappy. She's not loved like you are..."

"She is not loved? How so?" She asked, more reserved than before.

"Do you not know the way Anthony treats her?"

"Anthony who?"

My eyebrow raised in confusion, "Anthony, Anthony Padilla."

"Oh, Padilla? No. I don't know how he treats her. All I know is that he was the one who took her away from me..."

"Took her away from you?"

Natalie crossed her arms over her chest, "The world just ended. And she and I were the sole survivors from our town. Everyone died but us...because, well, we were witches. I mean, we didn't know it before, but out in the woods, we discovered who we are and eventually everyone else did too. Anyways, we started walking until we found someone who could help us. She went to go hunt for something for us to eat. She screamed, and I rushed to her. Only to see her be taken away by...by that bastard," She informed me.

"Have you not seen your sister since then?"

She shook her head, "I only see her when she comes to attack Ian and our camp. I can remember the first time I saw her...she sitting behind Padilla on the horse they rode here. He dismounted and helped her down. They and their army started ruthlessly killing people and burning our tents. Ian and Padilla started fighting. A window of people cleared up and she saw me. She bolted for me, blood-covered knife in hand. I didn't recognize her at first, she was just like Padilla. Ruthless, killing anyone in her way. But before killing me, she seemed to slow down and lowered her knife. She looked into my eyes, and just for a second, I saw the old her. The one who only wanted to keep me safe. Rachael stumbled away from me and fled with Padilla. Since then, she avoids me when in battle. Because she knows that if she sees me, she'll back down again."

"What did you do once your sister was taken away?" I inquired, returning to the subject of when she was taken by Anthony.

"I was lost without her. She was my older sister, and she led the way. Without her I didn't know what to do. So, I started wandering myself and...I stumbled upon him," She glanced over her shoulder to look at the now-pacing Ian, "He promised me everything. Literally everything. A home. Love. The chance of survival. I couldn't say no. Who would?"

I bit my lip, "And...did he tell you about the prophecy? That you and your sister would once be united along with them?"

Her eyes widened, "No. That is not the prophecy! I'm the one who knows it anyways, not him. And the prophecy states that she and I are going to die!" She yelled at me, tears swelling in her eyes, "Now go, get the hell away from here. I'm not dying, and I'm most definitely not having my sister die either."

"But you can't change fate!" I argued, "Preventing this war is going to change everything! You'd be risking everything!"

"But I'd be doing what my sister would do if she was in my position," She remarked before turning around and walking over towards Ian.

-Anthony's POV-

Rachael handed me the potion, "Why must we attack them again, Anthony? We just did a few days ago...They're probably still rebuilding themselves."

I snatched the potion out of her hands and flipped the top off, "The prophecy calls for it. Like you said..."

She frowned, "You're jumping the gun, Anthony." I disregarded what she said and took a sip of the glowing green potion, squeezing my eyes shut as I handed her the vial. She set down the potion.

After subduing the pain that shot through my body, I commented, "That's stronger than normal." She held out her wrists and I unlocked them. The shackles fell to the ground and she shook her wrists out.

"I'm going to get the troops ready, okay?" She told me. I nodded my head as she rushed outside.

-Rachael's POV-

I darted out through the door and made a quick turn left. I hid on the side of the crumbling castle as I pulled out a syringe with a glowing purple liquid and injected myself with it, one for temporary invincibility. The prophecy called for two witches to die at battle, and I'm not dying. Not quite yet.

I held back the scream that wanted to escape my lips as I slid down to the ground, the pain becoming too much. Anthony rushed around the corner, "What the fuck?" He shouted, grabbing the syringe from my hand, "What did you do? What is this?"

I frowned, "I've...I've been keeping part of the prophecy from you, Anthony."

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