[Chapter 13] Fight With Me

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-Idris's POV-

I smirked as I felt my second daughter die away. Finally, my time to shine. Only if it wasn't for that Joey kid...I couldn't hear his thoughts anymore. He was blocking me, and it was because he was fighting against me. But I knew what he was doing - getting the men of Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox to fight against me. And I'm not going to sit here and just wait to die.

I walked into the conference room where everyone was still debating and I shouted, "Hey! Everyone!" They all turned their heads to me. I crossed my arms, "I need you to fight with me."

"Fight with you?" My sister, Isabel, stood up, "We're witches and wizards, Idris, not warriors or soldiers!"

"Well the world we have created for ourselves is going to cease to exist if we don't take a stand!"

"Who are we fighting against?" A wizard questioned, rising to his feet, "Because you know what happened last time we fought against an unknown enemy. We lost almost half of our population!"

"Oh calm down," I remarked, walking to the front of the dark room that was dimly lighted with half torches for the darker side of the witch/wizard world, and the other half lit up with LED lighting for the lighter side of the witch/wizard world, "They're two men I know quite well, seeing as I made them who they are."

"Is this the story with the two twenty-something-year-olds you made into one of their favorite video game characters?" A witch inquired.

"Precisely. Unfortunately, they had grown affectionate towards my two daughters," I started pacing back and forth, "And, since the two girls have recently been sent to hell for the second time, Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox have began to reunite and have made me their shared target. So, in order to fight back and get our position back on Earth, we must engage in battle!"

"Our position?" Isabel inquired, "What position are you speaking of?"

"The one where we don't have to hide our true selves," I shot back at her, slamming my hands down on the table, "If Rachael and Natalie had conquered in taking me down, the world would go back to the way it was and we would be hiding in this world between life and death forever. So if you're done hiding, I recommend you take a stand with me and join my army."

I strutted out of the room with confidence and glanced over my shoulder. And like I predicted, I had a large crowd of witches and wizards behind me, ready to fight with me to the end.

I smirked, "Let's show these men what we're all about."

-Kalel's POV-

I stood there in the corner of my cell, with my arms crossed over my chest and my voice hurting. I'd been screaming for hours, days even, but no one can hear me. Not even when Rachael, the witch sent after me to deal with Anthony, was thrown in here.

Only she was lucky, she was Idris's daughter. And Idris knew that if she just imprisoned her, her abdication would be sooner and her daughter would be more powerful. So Rachael wasn't brought back from hell to live forever in the void between hell and here like I was. No one was here but me, and can I tell you, it sucks when you have no one to talk to or listen to for a while.

Another reason why she was lucky was that Rachael had Joey on her side. And he helped her escape. I would've followed her out. But Idris cast a spell so that I literally was confined to this six foot by six foot space only. I couldn't even leave if I tried my hardest.

I heaved a sigh and walked up to the bars, where I clung on tightly to the bars and looked out. With just my luck, I saw Joey appear and look down the hallway at me. He rushed to my cell and smirked. He mouthed some words, but I couldn't hear him. All I knew was that the next I know, I could hear him. Something I hadn't been able to do with anyone in a while.

"Hello, Kalel," He greeted, opening the cell door.

"Wh-wh-what did you just do?" I inquired hoarsely.

He held his arm out and smiled, "I just broke the curse." I linked my arm with his and we began down the hallway towards the exit, "Now, you are familiar with Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox, correct?"

I nodded my head, "Anthony was my husband and Ian was his best friend."

"Good, now, when you see them..."

"I'm going to see them!?!" I anticipated excitedly.

He nodded his head, "Yes, but, you most likely will not recognize them. Okay?" I nodded my head in understanding, "You are going to help us win this war with Idris." Just hearing the name made me upset.

"Why are you fighting her?" I managed to ask without yelling at him.

"You remember Rachael and Natalie? Yeah, she killed them. Well, one she killed and the other killed herself because of the prophecy. I don't know. All I know is that both of them are dead and Idris needs to die. Okay?"


"I need you to fight with me." I shook my head in understanding once again, "Alright. We're using you last, though. Because you're the next most powerful witch and with you, we'll have an almost instant victory. Okay?"

I nodded my head as he turned toward me and closed his eyes. The next I know, we're on the side of the battlefield, right before the battle began.

Author's Note: Alright, I promise that the next chapter will be the battle =) Anyways, hope you liked it and don't forget to tell me what you thought! Thanks! -rac06h10ael

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