Chapter Seven

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(December 26th, 2015)

Louis and I were sat on our bed in the pack house looking through a furniture store website at stuff for the house.  We're only focused on getting stuff for the important rooms right now though; the living room, dining room, and our bedroom. Our families gave us stuff for the kitchen and bathrooms so we don't need to look for any stuff in those rooms besides food and and soaps. "I really like a bedroom set that is all cherry wood. I think it'll go with the walls perfectly." I said while clicking on the set. It came with a vanity, two dressers, two end tables, and a bed with a headboard that had storage space. Also along the sides of the bed were drawers for even more storage. It was a king sized bed so plenty of space. I saw Louis nod while adding it to our cart. He went to the dining room section of the website and scrolled through the many different sets.

"I think I like the black table and chairs. We don't want too much in there so I think that along with the cabinet already in there will be perfect." Louis added the eight top table he liked as he was talking along with chairs, two had arm rests and the rest didn't.

We shopped a bit more and got everything we needed as of right now for the house besides mini essentials. But we can worry about that later. I cuddled up to Louis after he put the laptop down on the floor. He threw his left arm over my shoulders and held me tightly. "So, baby. Remember how we decided we'd talk about you being a little and such?" I nodded slowly and looked up at my boyfriend, my beautiful boyfriend. "Well, I was, uhm. I was thinking like, how little would you mark yourself? Like what sort of things do you like?" I thought for a minute before cuddling up to him and shrugging. "I don't like nappies. I like sippies and dummies though. I like toys and colouring and all sorts of stuff like that." Louis hummed quietly and held me closer to him. "Now, what would happen if we had a baby?" I thought for a minute before sighing. "You know what? Forget it. This is stupid. You can get me pregnant and we can have a baby. I need to grow up, I'm sorry. If we were to have a baby we'd have to stop this. So there isn't any point in starting it."

"Baby, I want you to be happy. If you want to remain a little then you can. I promise." I shook me head and rolled my eyes. "No I can't, how could I raise a child with you if I myself still act as one? I'm fine. Okay?" Louis sighed quietly before mumbling and okay.

(December 31st, 2015)

I was laying down on the couch in the pack house living room, trying to figure out how to word what I'm going to tell Louis. He'll either take it extremely well, or awful. "So Louis, I think I'm ready to bond even if it seems to soon." "Hey, Lou, so, wanna bond?" "Louuuu, you, me, bond?" I groaned loudly and sat up. None of those would work! Just as I was standing up, Louis walked into the living room with Briana in tow. "Lou, I promise I won't be a bother! I just need a place to stay until Spencer gets his head out of his ass and accepts the baby is his!" Louis smiled at my sharply before turning to face the wolf. "Bria, fine. It'll be a few days though until we get our furniture and then we'll have to order some stuff for the guest room." Briana flung her arms around Louis and squealed loudly. "Thank you so much!" Briana placed a hand on her flat stomach and sighed. "You don't understand how grateful I am." Louis nodded before turning back around to face me.

"Harry! I'm pregnant by the way!" She cheered, rushing towards me. I nodded slowly and smiled tightly at her. "Congrats, Briana." I whispered and she smiled brightly. "Please, call me Bria." I nodded slowly and looked back over at my boyfriend. "H, we should talk." I nodded slowly and we both stood up, I saw Briana was pouting and rolling her eyes but I ignored it. We walked through the hallway into the kitchen and sat at the small table in there. "So, uhm, how do you feel about bonding?" Louis asked nervously, looking down at his intertwined hands. I smiled brightly and laughed. "Oh thank god! I was so nervous about bringing it up to you! I'd love to bond!" I said and Louis breathed out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god." He placed his hands on both of my cheeks before leading me into a kiss.

A/N: Short and sweet, next chapter will be longer I promise.

Baby; Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now