Chapter Two

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The next day I walked into the school with my head shyly hung, it's my first actual day of classes and I'm really nervous if I'm honest. I'm wearing just a simple pair of black leggings with a lilac sweater on, black Converse on my feet and my hair pulled up into a bun. I was rushing this morning so I look like garbage. I walked into the main office to pick up my schedule and was greeted by a different secretary from yesterday. "Hello, I'm uh, here to pick up my schedule?" She nodded slowly and picked up a small pile of papers. "Harry Styles?"I nodded and she handed me the stack. "There is your receipt for the gym uniform, paper ID until you take your school picture, along with your schedule and school map." I nodded and thanked her before walking out into the hallway. I look down at my schedule and the school map before making my way towards the auditorium.

When I stepped into the room I noticed everyone was split into six sections and I had no idea where to go. I looked around the room and noticed a woman behind the piano. I slowly walked up to her and she looked over to me. "Oh, hello! You must be new! What's your name again? Harley?" She asked excitedly and I giggled quietly. "It's uh, Harry actually." She laughed loudly before nodding. "Of course! Now, let's find out which group you'll be singing in." I nodded slowly and she had me sing a few warm ups before putting me with the tenors.

"Hey! You're the Omega from yesterday!"I heard someone say so I turned towards the voice and saw the brunette that was sitting next to Louis yesterday. "My name is Briana, Louis never introduced any of us to you." I slowly nodded and told her my name causing her to smile. "The boys will be here soon, Ms. D always lets them come in late." I shrugged slightly and sat in the uncomfortable looking blue chair.

Just as the bell began to ring, a group of boys (all I recognized from yesterday) rushed in and up to the piano. They talked to Ms. D for a moment before going off to their spots, most of them were in the tenor section. Ms. D had us start with warm ups and then I was given the pieces we are performing. "Pst, Curly." I heard someone whisper behind me but I thought nothing of it. "Pssst." I really hope whoever their talking to answer soon because that's pretty annoying. "Yo, Curly, Omega, dude with leggings. Answer me." My eyes widened and I turned around quickly to see Zayn. I sighed quietly and gave him a questioning look. "Come back here with us. Lou will be in next block he said, he just had to run home for some Alpha stuff." I nodded slowly and made my way to the top of the risers, mumbling excuse me's every now and again.

I looked up at the tall Beta and he smiled down at me. "You're very attractive, I must say. Too bad I have a girlfriend and not an Alpha." He said with a wink making me blush and the blonde besides Zayn elbowed him and mumbled something to him that I couldn't hear. "Alright class! Today we will be starting with 'No One Mourns The Wicked'. Please take out your sheets if you have not yet memorized the music." I quickly took out the piece and scanned through the tenor part. "We'll be auditioning for solos in 'For Good' today as well so if you would like to audition raise your hand." I hesitantly raised my hand along with a few other people (Briana raised her hand).

After we sang 'No One Mourns The Wicked' it was time to begin auditions. "Now, only if you are in drama and are going to audition for the play should you audition for these solos. Because as you all know, the choir will be side characters in the play and must sing in songs they are required to sing in." I gulped nervously and looked over at Zayn. I didn't know this. "Let's start with, hmmm, tenors. Sorry basses, this part is just a bit too high for you guys." They all chuckled and she told every tenor that wanted to audition to go up to the front. I followed behind Briana and stood next to her, another brunette on my left that I recognized from yesterday.

"Alright, uh, Harry, are you sure you want to do this? I mean, your voice is much lower than a females." She said making me blush and shake my head. "Not to be rude, but I'm pretty certain I can hit these notes with ease." She nodded slowly and motioned for the first person in line to go.

After a few more people went it was my turn and I took in a deep breath before nodding towards Ms. D and looking at my music. 'It well may be. That we will never meet again. In this lifetime. So let me say before we part. So much of me. Is made of what I learned from you. You'll be with me. Like a handprint on my heart. And now whatever way our stories end. I know you have re-written mine. By being my friend..." I faded out as everyone clapped loudly and I smiled shyly, looking down at my shoes.

After school I was sitting out front, waiting for Gemma to pull up when I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned around to see Louis leaning against the wall, a cigarette clutched between his pointer and middle finger. "Hey, princess. What are you doing out here all alone?" He asked, walking up to me slowly. "I'm just waiting for my sister, she'll be here soon." I said with a blush and he nodded slowly. "Give her a call, tell her that you'll be at the pack house and I'll drive you home later." I looked at him for a second before slowly nodding. I pulled my phone out of my bag and dialed Gemma's number. When she answered I simply told her just as Louis told me to before saying goodbye and hanging up.

Louis led me to his car after my phone was back in my bag and then drove us to the pack house. I could tell just by the car that money is definitely not an issue for the pack. "Are you looking for an Alpha?" Louis suddenly asked as he pulled into a long driveway. I looked at him in shock, my mouth hanging open for a moment before I closed it and sighed. "I, yeah. But no Alpha wants me because they want pups but they never let me explain before throwing me away! Do you know how much it hurts being tossed away by an Alpha? It hurts even more because they were never even pack leaders or anything. They were just normal Alphas and none of them ever wanted me." I looked down at my lap as tears filled my eyes and Louis sighed quietly.

"Oh, princess. What did they never let you explain? I"m so sorry that no one sees how great you are. I only just met you yesterday and I can already tell you're a wonderful person." I looked up at Louis shyly and smiled at him before sighing. "I can have puppies. I'm sixteen and there is nothing I want more than to just have pups already!" I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest as I looked up at the Alpha. I saw a  smile slowly spread over his face as he parked the car. "Well, maybe after we get to know each other a bit more, I could be your Alpha?" I looked at him in shock before squealing loudly.

AN: I am so sorry for the long wait and if this is awful. It's 10:50 at night and I'm so tired but I wanted to make sure I got this to you guys. I promise the next chapter wont take as long to get out and it'll be much better and I'll try to make it longer too! Thank you guys for the support with this book so far. I love the attention it's already getting and it's only two chapters in. Please keep reading and voting! Comments are much appreciated as well! Love you all :)

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