Chapter Three

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 We pulled up to a large house and my mouth hung open in shock. This place is huge! How many people live here!? I looked over at Louis and he only chuckled at my expression. "Big ain't it?" I nodded slowly and he grinned widely. "Let's go in, I'm sure you'd love to see the inside." I nodded quickly and we climbed from the car. We walked into the house and were greeted by a loud and highly active first floor. "This is where we'll stay today because I know that if I bring you upstairs I won't be able to resist." Louis said with a wink making me giggle quietly. "So, it is quite big but you'll get use to it don't worry!" I nodded slowly and we walked over to the couch.

"So, tell me about you." Louis said, turning to face me and I did the same. "Uhm, well, I am sixteen, going to be seventeen in February. I have sixteen sisters. My entire family is only normal wolves besides me and my oldest sister, Gemma. She is a beta. My favourite colour is pink. Uhm, I am a vegetarian. Also, my dad passed away when my youngest sister, Chrysanthemum, was born three years ago. Oh! I have a twin sister named Heather and honestly we aren't too fond of one another. I guess it's because I got the Omega status and she's just, well, normal." Louis just kind of stared at me for a moment before chuckling. "Sixteen sisters, and here I was thinking I had a lot. What are all of their names?" I rolled my eyes slightly before listing all of my sisters. "Well there's Gemma, Lilith, Becca, Nora, Gracie, Lynda, Kiara, Kayleigh, Alexandra, Heather, Nina, Jasmine, Penelope, Daisy, Gina, and finally Chrysanthemum. What are your sisters names?"

"Well I also have a brother but there is Charlotte, Georgia, Félicité, Daisy and Phoebe, and then Doris and Ernest." I scoffed loudly before laughing. "If you think that's a lot go live at my house for a day and you'll want to rip out your hair. I mean yes I am extremely feminine but let me tell you, all of that estrogen in one house is ridiculous." That made Louis break out into a fit of loud laughter. I giggled quietly at the obnoxious laugh coming from the alpha. "I like your laugh, it makes me laugh. Not because it's weird or anything! But because I like it and it's contagious!" Louis just simply chuckled lightly and pulled me into a hug. "I can't wait to get to know you more. I can't wait to be your alpha." He mumbled into my hair and I sniffled quietly. "I can't either."

-Time skip about a month (December 3rd, 2015)-

 I ran around the field screaming loudly as Louis chased me, large smiles spread across both of our faces. "Stop running from me! I just want a hug!" He yelled and I giggled loudly. "No! You're covered in cake! Get away from me!" Just after I said that I tripped over my own two feet and fell to the ground. "Hah! Now you cannot run away from me anymore!" Louis said before laying down on top of me making me squeal loudly.

Louis laid on top of me just staring at me with a smile on his face. "You're so beautiful, baby." He whispered before leaning down and placing a kiss on my lips. I kissed him back instantly and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt his tongue prod slightly at my lips so I opened my mouth and I didn't even bother fighting for dominance over the kiss. If this is how our relationship is then I'll be happy with it for the rest of my life. But hopefully we bond eventually. That would make my life.

AN: It's really short and I'm sorry I just didn't know what to write this chapter so we'll just call this a filler! I promise I'll make the next chapter much longer. Please message me some ideas for next chapter too. I want you guys to like this book and I don't want to be afraid to post chapters incase they're stupid. This one is pretty stupid though. But it's okay! Anyway, thank you guys for reading! I'll try to update sooner next time. Also, if you get a chance and would like to, check out my stories on AO3 (happily_xx_larry) I have three stories up and I plan on updating them all soon since Summer vacation starts for me this Tuesday :) I'll also update here more often!

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