Chapter One

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I hung my head low as I walked the empty halls of my new school here in Doncaster. It is so big and my legs are too short. I'm going to be late to every class! I walked into the main office and smiled at the young lady behind the desk. "Hello, love. How may I help you?" She asked and I clasped my hands behind my back. "I-I'm new here. I-uhm need my time table and stuff." I whispered and she nodded. "What is your name?" She asked kindly. "Uh, Harry Styles. Uhm, I'm the new Sophomore." I said and she nodded quickly. "Oh! You're the new Omega! That's right!" She said and typed away on her computer. "Okay, so, your time table actually isn't finished because you haven't chosen any of your classes. So here," she handed me a sheet of paper, "fill this out and once you are done I will excuse one of the students from classes to show you around. Your time table should be ready by tomorrow. Oh, right, we have looked at your report cards already and the form I am giving you will have the AP classes you are able to take." I nodded and mumbled a thank you. "If you have any questions, just ask me."

Name: Harry Edward Styles              Birthday: 02/01/99              Male☑ -or- Female☐
Ever been expelled? If yes, why: No,                                                                                                   
Ever been held back? If yes, why: No,                                                                                                 
Ever gone to summer school: No,                                                                                                           
Class Choice:
    English- AP English☐ -or- AP Literature☑  
    Math- Calculus☑  -or- Geometry☐
    Science- Chemistry☑  -or- Physical Science☐

    Social Studies- AP World History☑ -or- AP US History

    LOTE- French III☑  -or- Spanish☐  -or- Italian☐  

    Electives (here you only write which electives you would like to take)- Chorus, Drama, FACS, Parenting                                                             

I handed the sheet back to the lady and she smiled warmly at me. "All students are required to take PE, Art, and Tech. You will have one study hall each day. For lunch all students are allowed to leave for an hour but required to come back to school, unless you have no more classes for the day. I am going to call down the Beta, Zayn Malik, to show you around. If you want to meet his friends, by all means ask him. He cannot say no to you. Now, I must warn you. He looks intimidating on the outside but in reality he is a big softy." I nodded slowly and smiled shyly. I have never met another Beta besides Gemma.

After waiting for thirty minutes, the doors to the office opened and in walked a tall boy. He had olive toned skin and pitch black hair that was styled to the side. His eyes were a golden brown and he just looked all around stunning. "Zayn! Hello, love! Would you be a dear and show Harry around? He's new here." Zayn looked at me and smiled warmly. "Of course, Cora." He said and held a hand out for me. I hesitantly grabbed it and he pulled me up.

After he showed me around the entire school it was time for lunch. Cora said that I had to stick with Zayn if we left the school. "So, Harry, we can stay here and eat in the lunch room like losers. Or, we can go out to Nandos and eat with my friends." Zayn said and I shrugged. "Whatever you want." I whispered and he grinned widely, grabbed my shoulder and pulled me out of the school. We walked towards the public bus stop and Zayn pulled out what looked like a cigarette and put it between his lips before lighting it. I stared at him as he took a long drag and held the smoke in for a moment before breathing out. He looked down at me and smiled. "Wan' a hit?" He asked and I quickly shook my head no. "Oh, common! Don't be a Debby Downer!" He said and I crossed my arms over my chest. "No. I do not want a 'hit'. That is poisonous toxin that you are putting into your body willingly." I said and he laughed loudly. "Love, no! This isn't a cigarette! It's a joint, ya know, weed." He said and took another hit. "Common. You look tense. Live a little." He said and held it out for me. "No." I growled and he sighed. "Fine."

Once we got to Nandos, Zayn rushed away from me and out of sight. I looked around nervously and spotted an Alpha. Then another. And another. Shoot. "What's a pretty boy like you doing all alone. You know its against Omega laws to be out alone." A deep voice said from behind me. I gulped and slowly turned around only to be met by piercing blue eyes. "What's your name?" The Alpha asked and I looked down quickly, clasping my hands behind my back. "Harry." I whispered. "Well, Harry. I'm Louis. Now who are you here with. Cause I know that a good little Omega like yourself wouldn't break the laws." I whimpered quietly as his voice got deeper as he talked. "Z-Zayn. I'm here with Zayn." I said and suddenly he was laughing. "Of course that twat would leave you all alone, common, I'll bring you to the table." I nodded quickly and followed behind him slowly.

"Zayn, ya dick! You can't just leave a little Omega alone!" Louis yelled, making me whimper loudly and cower behind him. "I thought he was following me." Zayn said before laughing. Louis sighed loudly and sat down next to a girl with curly brown hair  and brown eyes. There was no where for me to sit. "Omega, sit down." The girl said and I nodded slowly before sitting on the floor, by Louis' feet. "Love, pull up a seat."

Louis makes me feel safe, I like Louis.

A/N: Sorry it took so long! And sorry its so bad :( but I promise they'll (hopefully) get better and longer!

Baby; Larry StylinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu