With a good feeling, she walked back upstairs and knocked on the dark door she knew all too well by now. A soft 'enter' sounded, making her do just that and take in the two sadly. Her heart seemed to break each time she saw Michael, lying on his bed so weak and pale. Paler than he had been before this all.

"Hey." The girl mumbled, closing the door behind her and approaching Calum, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Any change?"

The Beta shook his head, frowning at the pale boy on the bed. He kept holding the boy's hand, hoping that the next minute he'd feel fingers move to hold his perfectly, like before. But he wasn't lucky, as the pale boy stayed as lifeless as ever. Which saddened everyone.

A little while later, another knock sounded on the door, making Calum hum and Valeria turn to it. She watched how Ashton poked his head in, slight bags beneath his eyes as if he had slept horribly, while his eyes shone with tiredness. "Um- hey. Can we talk?"

Valeria nodded, patting Calum's shoulder and telling him she'd be right back. Not that he would go anywhere, but just in case he wasn't paying attention. After all, he seemed a bit like he was daydreaming.

The girl moved out of the room, closing the door behind her and walking a little further with Ashton. The Alpha then turned around, sighing quietly as he leaned against the wall. "I need him out of there for a bit."

Valeria frowned, tilting her head to the side a little. "Why? He's not doing anything wrong, right?"

"He's not." The Alpha answered, shaking his head. "I want to check something, but I don't want him in the room for it. He seems to care about Michael way more than he'd admit and if the outcome of it is negative, I'm afraid he might do things he'll regret."

The girl nodded slowly. "And how can I help? I'm not sure I'll get him out of there."

"Bryana noticed you two were somewhat close this morning. We both think he might listen to you. I personally think it's because you were there when he saved Michael. You helped him and he's grateful." Ashton spoke slowly, making the girl nod. He then sighed again, rubbing his face. "Try and get him to shower. Michael's room doesn't have a bathroom connected, so it will get him out of there. I just need a few minutes."

"I will try." Valeria mumbled, watching the Alpha nod gratefully, before he went downstairs. She then went back to Michael's room, frowning sadly at the hunched figure of Calum. She sighed quietly, approaching him and putting a hand on his shoulder. The Beta jumped up a little, but as soon as his eyes fell on the girl, he relaxed. "Sorry."

Calum hummed, shrugging lightly. The girl then smiled sadly, rubbing his back. "Maybe you should take a shower. Relax a bit. I'll stay here and if anything happens, I'll let you know immediately."

The Beta seemed to think about it, but he didn't seem convinced yet. The girl sighed quietly again, kneeling next to the Beta and taking his face in her hands, turning it so he would look at her. "Look, I know you want to stay here and support him, but you gotta take care of yourself. Take that shower, relax a bit and then stay here for the rest of the day again. Those ten minutes won't hurt anyone. And like I said, I'll come and get you if anything happens."

Calum's eyebrows furrowed together sadly, before he nodded slowly, closing his eyes. His hand squeezed the limp pale hand he had been holding, before slowly letting go. It hurt to do that, but he knew Valeria was right. He needed that shower and in those ten minutes, he doubted anything major would happen. So far, there hadn't been a change anyway.

Soon, Valeria watched Calum leave the room, giving the boy on the bed a sad look, before quietly opening the door and watching another shut. She then slipped out of the room, about to go look for Ashton, when Luke took his last steps up the stairs. "Is he gone yet?"

Out in the Woods [5SOS AU]Where stories live. Discover now