Chapter 6

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When I was done, I happily jumped down the stairs but when I came jumping on to the last step I get knocked out right in my face with, I guess is two lemon pies with whipped cream.

I wipe off the cream from my eyes and watch Gale and Finnick running away for their lives.

"You two son of a bîtch!" I try to scream out but the cream prevented that.

"What the happened in he-  Hahahaha" Peeta says laughing so hard at the situation.

I just role my eyes and try to carefully get up without slipping which I failed and it only made Peeta laugh much harder.

"Here Katniss let me help you." I turn my head and see Daniel extending his arm. I grab onto it and I succeed.

"Thank you young man for your help."

"Peeta stop laughing and clean up this mess that you made." Daniel ordered

I climb up the stairs back to my room to get cleaned up.

All I am thinking of is how hard those three will be crying of pain once I get my revenge.


Okay I know what you're  thinking; how am I going to plot my revenge on these 3 scumbags.

Well... all 3 have that one special thing that without it they would freak out and it would be like you are watching a Keeping up with the Kardashian scene... full of drama.

Finnick can't stand a day without his sugar cubes and I also know that he has a spare box just in case he looses the original box.
Gale, his small mirror... (yeah he loves to admire himself everyday) and bow + arrows.
Last but not least, Peeta has a gold necklace which is in a structure of a locket which contains a picture inside it, that shows the faces of a man,woman and a boy. He thinks that they are his family and he prays everyday that one day he would be reunited with his family.

I know... too much but I could have hurt myself during that fall and I want to show them to never mess with Katniss Everdeen.

Its early in the morning, like 3 a.m and I descided to sneek into Fin's room first and snatch both boxes of sugar cubes. I creep down to the 1st floor and go to Gales's and Peeta's room cause they're  roomates.

I slowly open the wooden door, and tip toe myself to Gale's study desk. My eyes quickly go on the small silver mirror. I smile and snatch it from the desk.

I softly laugh.


I quickly turn my head to see if I have woken up one of them. I take a deep breath and I set my eyes on Peeta who is sleepy like a baby and snoring so softly.

I smile at his cuteness but shake my head to remind myself about my plan. I quietly make my way to Peeta's bedside table and slowly open the drawer where the necklace is located.

But as soon as I open the drawer, it started to make a lot of noise.

Peeta started to stir around.

I stop doing what I'm doing and wait until  Peeta stops moving. I take a deep breath and continue slowly open the drawer.

I start to search for it but no luck.

"Where the hell is it?" I whisper to myself.

I close the drawer and look under the bed just in case its there. But its not. I look up and my eyes on stop Peeta's face. I trail my eyes on to his neck. Bingo!

I try to hold my breath and go around his neck to untie the necklace. I successfully untie it but as soon as I did, my hand gets stopped by someone. I look at Peeta, his eyes wide open and as soon as he realises its me he relaxes.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" He whispers angrly.

My cheecks turn red at his sexy voice... Wait! What am I saying?

"Emmm nothing really..." I say trying to tip toe back but I get caught up by Peeta lifting me on his bare chest.

"Nothing ey! Then why were you untying my necklace Katniss?" Looking straight into my grey eyes.

Damn his beautiful blue eyes and sexy voice... its getting hot in here.

"Thanks for the compliment."


He laughs softly and says, "You know you said that out loud?"

"Oh shit...emmmm..." and I feel my face heat up, until I realise that I'm on his chest which makes me turn even redder.

I quickly get off of him and without a word I snatch what I took earlier and quickly made it to my room. I hide Fins' boxes and Gales' mirror behind my wardrobe where they can't find them.

I go back to sleep with a smirk on my face.

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