Chapter 3

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I quickly make it back home and tip toe my way to my room. As I'm about to open the bedroom door...

I jump when I feel two pair of arms, one covering both of my eyes and the other covering my mouth.

I wanted to scream but have the idea to bite the hand off.

But before I could even do anything,the person whispears into my ear.

"Well, well looks who was late for dinner."

What the-- I recognise that voice.

I use all my strength to turn around and I start to get a bit angry.

"You son of a bitch!" I whispear; yell so I don't wake anybody up.

Peeta starts laughing hysterically and I groan and go straight to my room.

"Oh come on Katniss don't be mad at me!" Peeta whines from the other side.

I ignore him and I grab my things to go and shower. I slighty open the door.

"You're still here?" But before he could answer I keep on going to the bathroom.

(After the shower)

I grab my dirty clothes and take them into my room and into the basket.

As soon as I jump on the bed there's a knock at the door. I groan.

I go and open at to my surprise its Dylan.

"Hey little man, how are you?" I greet

"Hi Katniss... I'm fine just bored."

"You want to come in?" I ask

He nods.
Okay, so Dylan is 12 years old. He's the youngest amongst all of us. I treat him like my own brother. We hang a lot and if you even dare doing something to him.... You're Dead!

We stayed up all night talking, joking and looking at the stars. Later he was out like a light. Peeta comes in a few minutes later.

"Hey you still awake?" He asks rather loudly

"Shooo! And yeah stayed up all night with Dylan." I whispear/state and stroke Dylan's hair who is sleeping on my thigh.

Peeta starts to walk towards us and sits on the bed.

"You still haven't forgiven me about earlyer?" He says

"Mhmmm.... No." I say, smiling evily

"No fair!" He wines

"Shoooo you are going to wake him up." I say pointing to Dylan

"Sorry." Peeta whispears

Peeta comes and lays next to me and stared at the ceiling; imagining it was the night sky with shining stars and the moon glowing so bright. But all was over when Peeta clears his throat.

"I better take Dylan back to his bed." I nod

Peeta lifts him up from my thigh and says goodnight. I turn around and turn off my lampshade.

And that is when I close my eyes and drift off to sleep and I get greeted by dreams.


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