Chapter 2

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I grab my bow and arrows and put them behind my back. Just as I'm about to go out I get stopped.

"Where are you going Katniss?" Marvel asks

For a 16 year old he's creepy.

"Just out for a haunt." I shrug but he looks me in the eye which is scaring me.

But I ignore him and keep going.

I start to walk down a stip hill which leads to where the ship of Captain Hook is.

Before you skip to conclution; as you didn't know Hook has a daughter. Her name is Johanna.

She is a nice girl.... sometimes; but don't make her mad cause she is worse than her father.

I remember when Finnick decided to play a trick on her but it ended up so wrong that Johanna actualy hanged him on a flag pole with only in his underwear.
Yeah; he knows her but if Peeta or Hook knew that we know each other we are surely going to end up thrown off a plank or some where far from here.

I get past knoted vines and on the way I catch two wild rabbits.

Then I get caught off by a deer who is just standing on the spot so I prepare myself to shoot before it runs away. I aim my arrow and.... SHOOT!

I smile proudly.

"Wow nice catch there Brainless." I turn around and see no one but then I look up and see Jo sitting on a tree's branch.

She starts to climb down and as she's on the ground she starts to clap.

I bow and we both start to laugh.

"Now, how the hell are we gonna carry that Bloody deer?" Jo asked disgusted

"We're not gonna carry it, we are going to cut out the good meat." I say and start to go towards the deer.

"What do you mean by We? Don't you mean you?"

"Oh is Johanna Mason Hook afraid of cuting of good meat from an deer?" I tease

"Oh Hell no I'm not! But It looks disgusting and well bloody."

I shake my head

"Come on." I tell her

(Later that day)

Me and Johanna are laying down on the ground enjoying the view infront of us after a day of exploring.

We started to talk.

"How's Finnick?" Jo asks

"He's fine.. eating sugar cubes as usaual." I chuckle

"Never changes, I still don't know how the hell his teeth haven't fallin off yet." I nod in agreement

"Have you seen Annie lately?" I say

"Yeah; you know she's always swimming around which makes sence cause she's a mermaid after all and its cool how she can transform her tail into human feet." Jo says in amazement even after 2 years of knowing Annie.

I check the time on my watch and see that its getting late.

"If dad hears that watch ticking he would;

1) Piss himself
2)Run and Scream around like a little girl."

I laugh

I check my wrist watch.

"I've got to go. Peeta and the others may be worring about me."

I got up from where I was seated and grabbed my catch of the day.

"See you later than Brainless." Johanna smiles

I wave goodbye and I start to lead myself back home.

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