Chapter twelve

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May packed her schoolbag and went outside on the front porch. Rain was once again pouring down in the suburbs of the city. May turned right from her street and continued walking, the rain was easing up just enough for her to see the outline of her school. Yes it was close. Her mother, grandmother and great grandmother had gone to that school, therefore they lived close. May stepped inside the area of the school.


Was she late, early? She didn't know. There was no one there. Maybe they're all inside the buildings, she thought to herself. She approached a large, brick based building. The door was on the right side of it, which then she entered.
People! Yes! She wasn't crazy! May greeted them," hi, can you show me where room 6 is?" She had approached an older boy with a messed up haircut and brown eyes." That way," he didn't smile or greet her back which was strange. May went to where the boy pointed and no one was in that room. She opened the door and went in. Instantly, she felt a chilling feeling, she felt unwelcome. May looked at the desks which were worn out, she touched one of them, feeling carvings. She focused on the desk, and there was initials. G <3 A. Which in May's head, automatically concluded to George <3 Ali. May stepped back and then heard a slam. The classroom door had shut.


"Hello?" I banged on the door,"it isn't funny!" I heard the bell ring even though there was no bell inside the classroom." Let me out!" I kicked the door. Then I heard boys outside snicker," who's there, let me out!" More snickering. I sighed. Stupid boys!" Oh newbies!" One of them laughed crazily," that room hasn't been used ever!" They all chuckled loudly. I felt so embarrassed," come on guys!" I heard a sweet boy's voice outside the door and pressed my ear against the old wood of the door." Let her out, please. It's hard being new." The boys laughed at him as if he was a joke, they stopped focusing on May and focused more on him. One boy said," alright, Zac. If you want to rescue YOUR GIRLFRIEND, go ahead." He sounded like the group leader. That boy, Zac, must've been very brave to stand up to him. The door clicked and unlocked. May was shocked by Zac's appearance. He had a scar on the side of his face, under his cheek bone, he had straight hair that came down to his eyes, covering them. But through his hair, she could see his blue eyes sparkling under the blonde hair. His friends were staring at him, as if he betrayed them. I walked out of the room and towards him. Zac's friends were staring at a boy with black hair and brown eyes, he made a mean impression. May guessed he was the group leader. They looked like they expected him to do something, maybe a comeback, a tease, a punch? I was hesitant to walk towards Zac, scared of him and his friends. That's when the group leader grabbed both my arms, both above my elbows. I struggled to get free." Hey look, Zac! I have you girlfriend." I looked at the group leader and told him to let me go." No way! Since we're passing around girls and making them our girlfriends I might as well get one too." Zac lost it and punched the group leader. Just missing my head. He told me to run and he ran with me.

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