Chapter Four

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May ran, leaves brushed past her face, she ran until she fell on the mushy surface of mud. May couldn't stay here, she had to find her grandparents. A tear slid down May's face, camouflaging with the buckets of rain that were now pouring. May stumbled her way off the ground and realised, she didn't know where she was. May could die of starvation, dehydration and much more. May kept stumbling on, despite her probability of dying.

Night was dawning, May was in desperate need of food and water. May could see the last glimpse of light fading away, she sank to the ground, it was over, her efforts in happiness were not enough. The last ray of sunshine pointed at something peculiar. Something wooden, rusty, old, May stood up,walking slowly and then increasing her paste until the shape formed into a small house. She smiled in hope that luck was on her side.

May unlocked the door, she had always kept safety pins with her just in case. The house was in a treacherous condition, dust was everywhere, and the roof had some holes that let in the rain. May decided to take shelter in a bedroom, it's roof was in stable condition and had a very comfy bed. It seemed to be a boy's bedroom, it had nothing to prove that it was a girl's bedroom so May assumed this was a boy's. A leathery journal sat on the boy's desk, she dared herself to read it, but again, she was trespassing, she couldn't just assume that no one was coming.

May had waited, no one came. This place was completely abandoned. She finally decided to open the journal, the handwriting was exquisite, handwriting that this generation would never even know how to read. May looked hard into the handwriting, she was too tired to concentrate, she laid on the bed, before she knew it, she was in a deep sleep.

May woke up to chattering, someone was near, she sat up, barely seeing anything with her blurred vision, she was in a hospital room, and there was blue curtains that kept her privacy, the chattering was from the other side, she looked down at her clothes, she was wearing a long hospital gown. May freaked, she tried to pull herself off her bed, but she was attached to all this medical things that she didn't know what it was for, it could be what's keeping me alive, she thought, so she stayed put, then wondered, why she was even IN a hospital. She pulled the things that were attached to her closer and pushed herself towards the bottom of her bed, where her feet were. She had watched enough movies to know that there would be a clipboard attached to the bottom of her bed that would tell her what she was diagnosed with. She found the clipboard, and managed to get her blurred vision in a concentrated state.

Mayrie Cate
Mayrie was found in an old shack, holding a leather journal, it has now been taken into inspection. Mayrie was in the early signs of starvation and dehydration, Mayrie is in an unconscious state at the moment but is beginning to regain consciousness. Mayrie was found with several wounds and scratches around her face, arms, legs and back, we have yet to discover what or who caused this, the only evidence we have found is, an unknown substance of black liquid was left all over her.

May looked on her arm, she saw wounds and stitches all over herself. She laid back down on her bed, she heard the clacking of high heels coming towards her." Mayrie! You're awake, I'm glad." The lady had a wide smile spread across her cheeks, she had her blonde hair tied back and was wearing a nurse's uniform." How are you feeling, dear." May hesitated, she couldn't speak, nor did she want to." Huh, must be shocked, eh?" She left the area and brushed behind the curtains, then came back with a tray of food, and some water." Eat up, it should get you back in shape." May took the tray and stuffed the food in her mouth, devouring it in the blink of an eye." My, you must be starving." May didn't listen she just ate. After a while, May was full enough to speak." Where's my diary?" The nurse's smile changed into a state of confusion." Its, its, yours?" The nurse wrote down some notes on the clipboard and rushed off.

Two men stepped through her curtains," it can't be her." One of them said, he had blonde hair and green eyes, and a look of toughness." It looks like her, her mother must be worrying so much about her." May pretended to be asleep, so she could hear their conversations. The other guy had brown hair and hazel eyes, and had more of a sweet look. The tough guy shook her and she pretended to wake up." Mayrie Cate? Listen kid, we are going to get you back home to your mother." May shook her head,
"I don't have a mother." The sweet guy scanned the clipboard and saw nothing about guardians,
"Who is taking care of you currently?" He asked. May hesitated, she didn't want to go back to Tara." Listen kid," the tough guy stepped closer," you are going to tell us now!" May quickly said Tara's name without thinking about it. Why did I say Tara, she thought. I could've said my grandparents!

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