Chapter three

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Breakfast was dull in the morning and fortunately Tara had not been there to join her. Yesterday, the inexplicable happened. Tara walked downstairs, circles of tiredness around her eyes." I'm going to work. I'm sorry, about yesterday... How I snapped... Just please don't go into that room." May nodded. She so badly wanted to ask what happened yesterday, but she was scared, of both her reaction and her answer. May just sat there at the table quietly as Tara walked out the door.

A few hours later, May was sick of staying indoors. She opened the front door and left, leaving a note behind to Tara. She went to a library a few blocks down, it wasn't that bad, she browsed through some exciting books. At least that would keep her entertained." I'd like this book please." May showed the library assistant a Moby Dick book which surprised the library assistant." School I'm guessing," the library assistant smiled," poor kids, reading stuff like this." She chuckled and then realised that May's face was an expression of utter confusion." I actually think it'll be quite interesting by what it says in the blurb, miss." This got May thinking when she would be starting school again." Huh, so you must be an excellent reader then, right?" May nodded as the library assistant passed her the book.

"The name's Rachel."

"I'm May."

"Nice to meet you May. Hey, I've never seen you around, are you new?"

May nodded sadly, and as if Rachel knew what she was thinking she said," you know a lot of kids come here because they've lost they're families..." May looked up at Rachel," who is it? The person you're staying with I mean." May hesitated," Tamara Collins..." Rachel sighed," that one is an odd one, you know," she checked her watch," guess my shift is over. It was nice meeting you May." They shook hands, May , for the first time here, made a friend.

May got home just before Tara. May was reading her book when she arrived. Tara stormed inside in a rush, putting a $100 cheque on the table in front of her." This is yours." She said quickly, not making the slightest eye contact and before May could say any words of thanks Tara had left the dinning room.


It was already past eight thirty and May was having trouble following the strict rules. All of a sudden through the cracks of the door she saw a weak yellow light which came from the forbidden room. She heard her door slowly open up, she dug under the covers and hid. She heard footsteps circling around her room, then it stopped. She looked up from her covers and was in utter shock to see her room was trashed, like lions had been there and ripped everything apart. She slowly got out of her bed looking for the person in her room who trashed her room silently and inexplicably but all she could see was her deserted, trashed, gloomy room. All of a sudden since her door was wide open by the mysterious character she could see Tara stumbling down the hallway, sleepwalking.

May woke up to the sound of screaming," no! Let me go!" May walked out of her room to find Tara being held by a police officer." You're under arrest for the murder of Molly Heart."the police officer caught sight of May and tried to reassure her," don't worry, you're mom will be okay, she's just coming with me for a little bit." May didn't even bother telling the officer that she wasn't the daughter of this monster. She was too shocked, she couldn't process anything fast enough. Tara kept screaming but May heard nothing, she felt lightheaded, she couldn't process anything. The last thing she saw was Tara freeing herself from the officer's tight grip and elbowing him on the nose.

May woke to a bright light, no one was around her. She looked around, the room looked like a pretty legit hospital room. A woman came inside, she had a blue mask covering her nose and mouth," hi May, good morning sweetie. Hope you had a nice long rest. You were out for two days. Here is some food, I hope you feel comfy in your new bed," May looked down at her bed, it was basically a metal bench with a cushion on the top, what caught her eye was, on her wrists were tight ropes strapped behind the bench. She wriggled around, trying to break free," oh, don't mind that. Just a little thing to keep you secure from leaving." The woman took off her mask, revealing an unknown face, but in a way, recognisable. She had long black hair and scary blue eyes which looked right through May." You may proceed..." After the command, the bench was pulled down, it was being sucked onto the ground by black liquid. It burned her skin, she screamed in agony." George, I will see you soon..." The girl said to herself as May struggled for life. May knew her fate and let herself go. Floating in the black liquid, running out of air with her eyes closed. She felt herself being burnt, bit by bit, making an excruciating experience." You can't come yet, I won't allow it." May dared herself to open her eyes to see who the owner of the sweet voice was. In front of her she saw a glimpse of her mother before she disappeared before her eyes. May wanted to cry but she couldn't, she wanted to talk but she couldn't. The closest she could get was through her eyes.

May climbed up from beneath the ground, to find herself in a playground. It was empty, the swings were swinging slowly as if someone had been there not long ago, she felt a drop of rain hit her shoulder. May had to leave this treacherous place, although this playground was unfamiliar, May knew it was close to Tara's home.

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