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It was Amelia. She had just appeared, almost out of nowhere. She must've climbed through the window; Johnnie thought. But things were getting weird - Amelia had been just appearing when Johnnie needed her the most, it was almost like magic, she popped up out of nowhere, even when she was meant to be miles away.

"Johnnie?! Johnnie please! JOHNNIE WAKE UP PLEASE" she shook him, his eyes open and his breathing random and shallow; he couldn't get any words out, he could make no noise. Amelia dragged him towards the bathroom to see what Johnnie had done. When she saw the deep red blood dried onto his ghostly white skin, she almost screamed. They were deep cuts, but they had had time to begin to heal before Amelia had glided through the open window, but they would scar for the rest of Johnnie's life.

Amelia grabbed multiple bandages and started to cover up Johnnie's left forearm. She wept as she did. She wished she hadn't left Johnnie when he was like this; she wished she could've been there to stop him...

After a few hours, Johnnie awoke, breathing heavily. A cold flannel had been placed upon his pale forehead and as he sat up, he saw his lover sitting opposite him. He smiled weakly at her, and then looked down at his arm, and began to cry. Amelia ran to him and wrapped her slight arms around him, trying to keep him safe from all the bad things on earth. But she couldn't. She knew she couldn't. And that killed her.

They lay, holding onto each other, for hours. Eventually, they got up, and Johnnie but his hoodie on to cover his arms. Amelia sat with him on the roof all day and they just talked. Talked about Johnnie and how he was feeling, Amelia and what she was planning to do out of town, their futures, bands, concerts, books, comics, conventions they were planning to go to, literally everything. They had finally finished talking as the clock struck midnight. They had been talking for 15 hours, straight. Johnnie walked Amelia back to her apartment, and kissed her goodnight, as she told Johnnie to call her if he needed her. As Johnnie walked away, he heard the lock on her door shut, and he walked through his door and went to his room. As he tried to sleep, he started to cry again, and when he sat up, Amelia was sitting there, across from him. But that's impossible?; he thought. Only 20 minutes ago did he say goodnight to her and hear her lock her door, and his front door was locked, and his bedroom door too, AND Johnnie didn't even call her to say he needed her, yet she just appeared, in his room... Almost like magic...

Johnnie isolated himself after that night. He didn't want to talk to anyone, let alone be around any other human and this point. He needed time to figure out what was going on. He told Amelia that, too, the night she just appeared in his room. He didn't know what was going on; why was she just appearing? And why was it only when Johnnie needed her the most?

It was weird.

Very weird.

Johnnie didn't sleep for days straight, he was too busy researching who exactly Amelia was. For her last murders, she was knows as the serial killer 'A', for she left a huge 'A' wherever she murdered someone. Pages and pages of news articles filled Johnnies mind and he clicked through them, reading what she did. They were brutal murders. Some of the victims were actually left unidentifiable by the way Amelia had mutilated and killed them. Others were missing body parts, yet nobody knew the identity of the most brutal serial killer of the 21st century. Nobody but Johnnie. It turns out he didn't really know everything about Amelia; she was hiding things from him.

Johnnie had stopped eating, because he was too busy researching many things. He was getting skinnier by the day, but nobody knew as he didn't leave his room. One afternoon, as the sun was beginning to set over Agloe, Amelia jumped swiftly through the window. After no contact for almost 2 months, and Johnnie's mental health deteriorating rapidly, Amelia was worried, so she came to check up on him. Once again, she had appeared like magic...

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