"And it's the last time you'll ever hear it." I broke our eye contact to look over at the other people in the room. News flash, they were looking at me and the thoughts came back to my mind. No matter how much I tried to push them out, they came back to haunt my conscience.

Look how fat she is.

I wonder how much she weighs.

Her laugh is terrible.

Why is she out of her cage?

Those weren't even the worse ones I thought about, but they were up there.

"I love your laugh." A little spring of positivity came to my mind.

"Do you have a hearing problem?" And probably brain problems.

"Nope." He smiled happily.

"Maybe your 'friend' did more than just give you that bruise." I felt my tone sharpen. It was the fact that he liked something about me that made my voice harsher. I didn't want him to think that he liked something about me and then go back on his word, I wanted him to make sure that he didn't like a single thing about me.


Me: Hey

I had sent the message to LoveFighter while at the empty end of a table with people on the opposite side. They were safe though and were far away from people like the girl who questioned why Thorin talked to me and J something. The kids were the ones who kept to themselves and were more knowledgeable about the current trends of the animated and computer world. Nice, but I wanted to talk to Tj.

"Hey there, Ms. Invisible." The familiar Irish roll made my heart drop into my stomach. I was hoping the dropping of the very thing that kept me alive into stomach acid would have made me die instantly. It didn't, it just raised the rate of my heartbeats.

"What happened to calling me by my real name?" I snorted while looking at my phone, wishing for a reply by Tj.

"I'm trying to diversify your names." He said, taking things like his napkin and milk off from his tray of food.

"I rather you not call me anything." I said under my breath.

"Oh Flora, you know you like my cute nickname for you." Over my phone, I saw him point his plastic fork at me.

"I just don't understand why you like to talk to me in the first place." As much as I tried not to, I sounded mean. It wasn't meant to come out as venomous as a snake, but the words spat out of my mouth on their own. They acted like daggers twirling into the air, aiming for Thorin's chest.

My eyes went straight back to my phone, to Tj, hoping he would message me back. I needed him to message me back. It wasn't as if this guy and I was buddy-buddy but I enjoyed our conversations so far and I could use a good talking.

"Be-" I heard Thorin start.

"Hey, Thorin." The voice sent a shiver out of my spine.

Quickly, my eyes went up to a group of pretty girls. They stood in a formation that resembled a flock of birds flying in a v formation. The obvious leader of the group and the that both she and I question why Thorin talks to me, stood right in front of them.

"Hi." His body turned, waving at the girls before turning back towards me.

I saw a twinge in her eye, giving me the thought that he was already bouncing on her nerves. She just had to do it while a bottle of water was to my lips and caused me to nearly choke to death on the liquid. Not because it was scary, I mean, it was kind of scary. It was also funny, seeing her looking like either a serial killer or she just did drugs. But not the good drugs, more like the drugs you would find in the bad part of town.

She took in a deep breath, flicking her straight black hair back and breaking the tight line on her plump lips. A fake laugh that seemed real only to those who never had to fake laugh in their life. "Do you want to sit with us?" She looked at him and like a ninja, moved her eyes quickly to me but it was so quick that I didn't think that God himself even noticed. She must not have liked the sight of me and moved her eyes back to Thorin who was looking at his pears.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm going to eat my food with Flora here." He didn't even fully turn his body around like the first time. The boy didn't even fully move his head to where he could see her. If anything, he got a little sliver of her in his view.

"Oh." Okay, I had to give this girl props. She didn't act like it was a slap in the face or a shotgun to the stomach like I would have. It was actually scary how composed she was and acted like it didn't bother her. She was scary. "Well, some other time then."

"Maybe." Thorin smiled at me.

The moment the leader and her group left, I nearly spat my water at him. "What is wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?" A confused yet goofy look was on his face.

"You can take a punch to the face and fight a teacher but you couldn't go and hang out with her?" The plastic in my hand crinkled, creating jagged pieces that pressed into my flesh. My flesh winced in pain but I continued to squeeze in amazement.

"Well, maybe it would have been more painful than the fighting." Mr. Cool Guy just had to say that.

I was sure that I was beginning to get indigestion.

"You make my stomach hurt." My eyes rolled.

"Maybe because you're not eating anything." He stated the obvious.

It wasn't that I didn't want to eat, it just wasn't a good eating day for me. I didn't want to eat after thinking about the possible words my peers had thought about me. Plus that girl didn't make me feel any better so it was no lunch for the day. I was going to be fine, just not with the help of food.

"I don't feel good."

"Here," his tray easily slid down as his torso over the table moved it. A shaded compass neared to my eyes, allowing the heat from it transfer to my forehead. It was soft and gentle, unlike the letters that spelled out FIGHT on his knuckles would make someone think.

A wave of cologne crashed into my nostrils that somehow triggered something in my spine to make a shiver run down it. I wanted to back away and run into the bathroom to get out of the public eye that I knew was staring us down but I didn't. Even though I was a super Fraidy Cat, I didn't just want to leave.

"Hm..." Thorin rubbed his chin while his other hand was still on me. "You're not warm but your face is a little red."

"Uh, excuse me." My index finger and thumb acted like a claw machine and grasped a finger of his to shake his hand off from my forehead. "Thank you doctor Thorin, but I'm fine."

"Doctor Thorin, I like the sound of that." He chuckled.

"I don't."

"How about Thorin Graham," he placed his hand into the air and scooted it after each word. "Flora Greensteen's best friend in the whole entire world."

"Do I get to punch you in the face?" I couldn't help

"If you're really into that." He shrugged. 

Heeyyy! Thanks for reading and getting us to 1k+ views! I seriously appreciate it and love you guys. 

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