e i g h t | The Room

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(This is what i kind of what I see when I think about the staircase)

Soooo basketball season is coming up...guess who's thinking about playing...😇

Anyway...what type of sports do you guys play?



Once we walked out the door I stopped walking. My clothes. I looked down, yep still in the same clothes I want taken in. Grayson stopped and looked at me a look of worry was across his face "What's the matter?" He asked.

"My clothes."

"Yea. What about them?"

I gave him a dumbfounded look, "seriously I can't walk around like this!" I exclaimed moving my hands on the sides of my body. He looked up and down checking me out, sighing he looked ahead-it was nothing but trees. Are we in the middle of nowhere? "Ok....uh... Let's go to the house and I'll find you something of yours." He hesitated for a second and started walking, I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around, "Something of mine?" I asked him. "I'll explain it to you later." Was all he said then he grabbed my hand and started walking forward-into the woods.


We were walking for about 30 minutes until we came across and big mansion. A big mansion in the middle of the woods? Not weird at all. There was a couple people outside walking around some with kids and others walking around like guards. Of course the people were staring with confusion in their eyes but their eyes weren't on my eyes they were on my neck. I looked at my neck of course I couldn't see anything so I pulled the hoodie collar higher up my neck and continued walking.

The house was even bigger once we were at the door. There was a big parkway with a white and black jeep parked and a black Maserati in front of the doorstep and 3 huge garages next to the huge house. Well shit. I didn't realize my mouth was hung open until Grayson chuckled and closed my mouth with his pointer finger , "Wouldn't want you to catch flies Maiz." I'm really starting to hate that nickname.

"Ok your going to find a better nickname than 'Maiz', it sounds like your calling me corn."

He threw his head back and laughed.

"Yeah...you never liked that name" He said as he wiped a faked tear as if he was crying out of joy. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the handle pushing him aside and walking through the door. My nose instantly caught the smell of baked cookies. The favoring scent invading my senses, I could hear Grayson lightly chuckle at me as I closed my eyes and breathed in the savory scent. I hadn't had cookies in a long time...and I mean a fucking long time. Ever since Grandfather started training me I didn't really eat sweets, maybe some candy here and there.

My eyes jumped open as an old lady with wrinkly light brown skin and grey hair gasped loudly, cupping her mouth with both hands making her drop the bowl of freshly baked cookies. It didn't surprise me that she had light grey eyes, she was cupping my face in a flash kissing my face.

"Pensé que nunca iba a volver a casa! Que se habían ido durante tanto tiempo que la cocina era tan tranquilo sin ti!" She cried as she hugged me cupping the back of my head.

She smelled like old lady perfume and cookies. Since I didn't understand one word she said I just nodded slowly and cracked a smile. "Oh my where are my manners!" She exclaimed removing her hands away from me wiping them on her apron, "You must be so hungry!" She turned around and started walking away to I'm guessing was the kitchen. "Come on!" She urged as the waved her hand behind her waddling as fast as she can, "I'll make you your favorite!" Just as I started walking Grayson cleared his throat.

"Actually Aunt Millie, I was just about to take Maisie to go get cleaned up so I can take her somewhere." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh" Her face fell for a moment but quickly recovered, "Okay that's alright I just cook something when you guys return." She waved him off, "I know Maisie is going to be hungry sooner or later." Her eyes met mine and she smiled, "I'm just so glad your finally home." She said as she took ahold of my hands, just as I was about to reply Grayson cleared his throat once again,"Boy don't you dare clear that throat when me and the Luna are having a moment or your no longer going to have a throat to clear." She said as she shot a glare at him. Luna?

Grayson smiled, "Yes ma'am."

She turned back at me and looked at my clothes she wrinkled her little nose in disgust. "Grayson why is she still in these rags!" She shouted, "Let's go dear, you look like you haven't grown a bit so your clothes would still just about fit." She said as she put a hand in my lower back and ushered me forward up the huge marble staircase, as we were walking up the stairs I looked back looking at Grayson hesitating if I should go with this lady or not. Grayson seemed to sense my hesitation because he gave me a small smile and nodded his head. I smiled back, i didn't even realize she was talking until she started calling my name.

I apologized and asked her to repeat her question. "I said have you seen the rest of the boys yet." She repeated, boys? "Um..no I haven't yet...." She hummed and nodded.


So to say the house was 'big' was an understatement it's was fucking massive! I'd say that 'Aunt Millie' and I have been walking possibly for about 10 minutes passing doors and doors. How the hell can they afford such a big ass house! Where do they get their money anyway! The other big question was where the hell is everyone? You'd expect this place to be crawling of people but not a living soul except Aunt Millie and I and possibly Grayson, was seen. It was pretty creepy to be honest.

We finally came to a stop at a dark brown door with a gold knob, Aunt Millie turned around and smiled at me showing her straight white teeth. "Okay!" She clasped her hands to her chest happily then turned back to the door, "This was your room....before you know..." She trailed off looking at door with a sad look on her face, but was quickly wiped away as she breathed in turning her head towards me, grabbing my wrist and opening the door.

The room or my room, it was a light grey color and smelled clean as if it was untouched everything and I mean everything was in its place even the clothes scattered looked like it was suppose to be there, the room was cold and felt weird. There was a desk set under a window with a lace curtain covering, and a queen sized bed with a dark purple bed set with a dark mahogany headboard, and next to the bed was a mahogany bookshelf filled head to toe with books. Then there was another window but this one had a seat under it, but has I walked all the way in there was a walk in closet on the left side of the door. And then finally and the other wall there was a mahogany dresser with a matching mirror.

The mirror was filled with pictures and pictures of me and Grayson, some of just Grayson, some other boys I don't know and a group pictures of me and the same boys I had pictures of and there was also one girl in the picture- Allison. We all looked so happy in the pictures it almost looked foreign, I stared at it trying to remember who these people were. Aunt Millie gave me a light pat on the back and exited the room leaving me alone in the the depressing room with my cluttered thoughts racing.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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