t w o | New friends

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I ran til my lungs burned. I ran til I could see the faint smoke in the sky from my house getting closer and closer, at least it was my house. Now it probably was burnt to crisps I thought, has I could see the half burnt house and the small people beside it running around frantically coming closer as I ran.

I let out a breathe of relief.

I slowly stopped running and turned around looking behind me. Thinking the stranger was no longer running after me.

I could see him. He was standing about 10ft next to a tree with his arms crossed Looking annoyed? He was now wearing a white shirt that fit him perfectly, a black leather jacket and black jeans, and boots. I set my lips in a straight line as I slowly took a step back, reaching for my little pocket knife in my back pocket.


I thought I dropped it at the house...

Had he put it there?

If he did so help me God-

Suddenly the good-looking stranger wasn't alone, a tall man came up beside him. The man was wearing a black shirt and grey jeans and also boots. I kept my breathing even and my heartbeat at a regular pace, something my grandfather taught me.

Grandpa. I wonder if he was all right if he's even alive. I cleared that thought of my grandfather being dead. I let my hand stay on my left pocket keeping my eyes on the two strangers. I looked to the side not turning my head to the direction of the smoke thinking I can make a run for it.

As if the other stranger knew what I was thinking he started waking towards me I took another step back and took out my pocket knife at him. He stopped and put his hands up as if he means no harm. I reluctantly took another step back and looked at the good-looking stranger who was still leaning on the side of the tree with his arms crossed.

"What do you want" I asked.

The good-looking stranger pushed off of the tree and started walking towards me he stopped walking til he was side by side with the other starnger. He also put his hands up and said "We have been looking for you for a long time" his deep voice sending shivers down my spine. Why would they be looking for me?

"Why?" I replied, I clutched the little knife in my hand harder.

He smriked, "Your father has been looking for you."

My breath hitched in my throat, my father? The one who never wanted me? I laughed and threw my head back wiping a fake tear coming from my eye.

"Oh man that's some funny shìt." I said as I crossed my arms against my chest.

"Why is he looking for me?" I asked.

My father left long before I was born so I was told by my mom, I never asked Theo about him even if I did he'll probably just shake his head and walk away like he did when I asked him about his so called 'girlfriend'.

"Alp-" he cleared his throat "Your father has been looking for you since...." he looked at the ground then looked at me "since the attack" he finsihed.

I scrunched my eyebrows and gave him a confused look dropping my hands to the side, their hands also dropped as if there were relieved. "You don't remember do you?" he asked his voice filled with sympathy. I shook my head and sallowed. "Do you remember me?" he opened his arms out towards me. His brown eyes held this unknown emotion.

The Hidden Alpha Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant