The Only Girl in a Boy NeighborHood 7

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*** Hey peoples........ I don't really want to talk/type right IT IS :D***


"I have to go. I'll pick you up tomorrow for school. I'm sorry." He left before I could say anything.

DAMN IT! I couldn't even say NO!

^ Oh like you really would've said no.... ^

OH BE QUIET! This isn't the time to be ANNOYING!

^ Well sorry for trying to be helpful >:P ^

Well I'm sorry, but I just need to think right now!

I got into bed and pulled the covers up to my shoulders. I didn't want to think...about certain things, so I focused on my alarm clock on my night side table. It claimed to be 11: 37 pm. I sighed and rolled on my side as the darkness fell over me.

~~~Roxy's Dream....~~~~

My dreams- as I have said before- would always show an event that would happen later. I started to dream about the same thing that had been in my nightmares. The blur, as if I was trying to watch through an old TV that didn't get good signal. The bloody scene; but this time, I could see everything crystal clear.

I was in a room where everything was gray or a different shade of gray, I felt like I was in one of the SAW movies.

I saw Alex in the corner, with his legs up to his chest and he was hugging them tightly. His eyes were a deep jet black, the blackest I've ever seen. Another me was sitting in another corner across the room. I seemed to be bleeding...

I looked back at Alex wondering what was going on here! He was starting to shudder violently; his eyes had started to become blood red in a flash. There were no chains holding him in place as he started to get up. I thought he was doubling over but it soon turned into a crouch. He smiled, but it was more as if he were showing his teeth. I looked back to the other me and was surprised to see "me" calm as if this was going to happen either way.

Then, in one millisecond Alex became a blur as he soared across the room and his teeth turning into .............fangs! I woke with a lurch forward screaming.

*** D: I'm sorry it's so short!!! Please forgive me! But I think this is a good place to leave you anyways, I think you got the idea. If you don't then I'll explain next chapter ;D cya peoples laterzzzzzzzzzzz


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