Chapter 41 | Olivia

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I lean against the cool bathroom tiles and watch as the tap drips into the sink. The clear droplets land on the ceramic edging and gather, creating little pools of water. Since living here, I have begun to appreciate the little things. 'Stopping to smell the roses' as Rosalind would say.

I am supposed to be washing my hair but my arms ache with tiredness and my neck lays limp on my shoulders. But I am tense all the same. Little knots of anxiety have begun to appear in random parts of my body. My throat, stomach, back and my hands.

I can hear Zoe and Alfie chatting happily in the kitchen, probably discussing the latest camera equipment. I mean, they're youtubers after all. I do still feel guilty from stopping them from doing their jobs. Since I have been here it's been mayhem.

Word spread about the Brickwell case, and of course, the surname 'Deyes' was mentioned. Since the newspaper article was released -Without permission, may I add- there have been a total of twelve news reporters outside of the house. Also, Zalfie had to take an Internet break a few days ago as the fans were skeptical and were questioning them about what was going on.

Some of them have figured it out.

The others, have just been sending hate mail to them. It's horrible to watch. But there's nothing I can do except support them. After all, they have supported me throughout my time.

I turn to face the bathroom mirror and sweep my caramel locks out of my eyes. I look at my eyes. They're blue, just like Zoe's. And my hair, it has all the same shades of blonde and brown, except I didn't dye mine. Maybe we were more alike than I thought. I was also quite small and had a small frame, like Zoe. But, I had nothing physical that purely represented Alfie. Alfie and I, we're closer personality wise. We both shared the same sense of humour and laughed at the same things. We both loved the newest gadgets and we appreciated shopping in electrical shops. He showed me how to fly his drone and I wasn't that bad, if I do say so myself.

The more I thought about it like this, the more I was losing my old families traits and resemblances. Was that a good thing? Maybe it was a good thing, that I was finally moving on. Maybe if I did, it would make everything easier for everybody.

I had been asked if I wanted to be involved in the vlogs, but I politely declined, as at that time everything was so new. But now, I don't think I'll get the choice.

I've overheard Zoe and Alfie's YouTube conversations. I hate to admit, most of them have been about them quitting YouTube. I can't let them do that. I know they don't want to but, I also know that they can't deal with this any longer.

My life is filled with loose ends and I don't know what to do.

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