Still seizing, you let out a strained breath. "Try to relax. Breath in and out." Octavia whispered.

You followed her instructions and breathed. You stopped seizing and your back stopped being so tense. You sighed and began to breath regularly. Your eyes closed as Octavia continued to rub your back.


A day or so passed and you were better. Thankfully there wasn't much damage and you were on your feet within a day and a half. Octavia stayed by your side within that day and a half and you began to find yourself liking her company alot.

Clarke had asked to speak with you, saying she needed to know why you were here. It was clear you posed no threat. Octavia insisted she be there during the conversation.

"The queen sent me to spy. I did not want to. But I can't obey." You explained.

Octavia and Clarke were quiet. They didn't know what to say. You couldn't stay, but going back with no information would be worse.

"Make up something. Something believable. I'll sneak you out." Octavia suggested.

You nodded. It was a ways to get back, so you'd have time to think about what to say. You followed Octavia towards the back of the ship, out a door and unto the forest.

"Thank you. For everything." You hold your arm out to Octavia. She grasps your arm in return.

"Stay safe." She smiled tightly.

You looked to the ground, both of you not wanting to let go. It was clear there was something between you. But you didn't want to admit it. Only a day and a half wasn't enough to tell if there really was something.

So you kissed her cheek and turned and ran the other way, away from Octavia and towards Ice Nation.


"Are you sure?" The Queen asked once more. You nodded.

"I'm positive. They're doubling on weapons and protection. Maybe for an attack I'm not sure. There was nothing said that could indicate it." Your lie was believable.

"I was sure you were dead. But I was wrong. You really know how to trick." All you did was nod.

"You're much more useful than Onitari, she ran from them. You were smart." The queen then dismissed you.

Your heart ached,not the good way. Onitari had fled, leaving you for dead. Your relationship wavered. You didn't know if you wanted to stay with someone that suddenly only care for their survival and not someone they care for as well.

You left to Onitari's room. You opened the door to see her pacing. Her face lit up when she saw you and raced towards you, embracing you tightly. It felt, really really nice to be in her arms, but you wouldn't let it distract you from what you needed to discuss.

"God, I was so worried. When you didn't follow me I though you were gone." Onitari saw your face. It didn't look happy or relieved. It looked sad, hurt.

"You left me." You whispered. "You didn't even warn me. How could you?" Your voice cracked in the end.

Onitari's hands went to your face. "I thought you would have just followed me."

You pushed her hands away. "Not good enough of an excuse. I almost died. Two seconds and I wouldn't be here. Does that even matter to you?"

Onitari nodded frantically. "Yes, god yes. Y/N, I love you, you know that." You shook your head.

"You don't leave the ones you love behind for dead." Your voice rose slightly.

Onitari was quiet. She was trying to think if something to say. You scoffed.

"I'm leaving." You announced.

Onitari raised her head. "What?"

"I'm meaning Ice Nation. I do not wish to be here anymore. I've been betrayed and used. I got hurt doing something I didn't want to do." You realized you'd left your clothes at Arcadia.

So that's where you'd go. You knew you were welcome there by few. Your scars were ignored by them.

"You can't. Don't leave me." Onitari pleased.

"I'm not leaving. You already did. I'm just chosen not to chase after you." The door was shut and the both of you knew. It was over.


You left the next day. You packed next to nothing and made your journey, quickly, to Arcadia.

It was like your feet were ignited with speed as you found the strength to run. You made it to Arcadia in record time, racing through the gates and to the ship.

"Y/N?" Clarke was confused. Your face was flushed. You smiled at her familiar face and connected your hand with her arm.

"Do you have an extra room? I-I think I need to stay here. I have nowhere to go. I left Ice Nation." You rambled.

"Of course. Take the room you had." Abby answered for Clarke. You nodded and and turned to make your way to the room.

An urge in you wanted to find Octavia, but it seemed like you didn't have to look far. You opened the door and saw her hugging your clothing.

It surprised you. Octavia's head whipped to look at you. Her lips curved to a smile. She rise from the bed and didn't hesitate to hug you, ignoring the formal way.

You chuckled, wrapping your arms around her. "Back so soon?"

"Back to stay." You answered.


Longer imagine which I'm happy about, about a 5 month wait I'm not so happy about. Sorry it took so long! No inspiration! I might do a part 2 for this. Maybe. Hope you like this long and overdue imagine :)

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