7 ~ Ontari

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Imagine being locked away in a dungeon by the Ice nation queen, only to be found by Ontari and becoming secret friends.

You laid on the cold floor, your back facing the cell bars as you slowly started to slip into unconsciousness again.

Being a prisoner of the Ice Nation was not something most enjoyed. Feared is more like it. You had been a prisoner for at least a year, being beaten, tortured and almost starved to death.

You just wanted it to end; to die peacefully instead of during a beating. But you knew the odds of that ever happening. You'd prayed way too many times for that, yet God hadn't given you the release you wanted.

It wasn't until days later the screech of the dungeon door sounded through the basement, making you back away into the darkest corner.

There were footsteps on the concrete steps, but they were cautious, unlike the determined steps of the guards ready to pull you out again.

"Is anyone down here?" A feminine voice whispered.

You stayed hidden in the dark, though felt oddly comforted by the girls voice. The footsteps continued and stopped at your cell. The girl squinted at the darkness where you hid before taking out something and sitting on the ground.

You looked at her suspiciously, not quite understanding why she had sit down, but stayed where you were and hoped she'd get up and walk away.

"I won't hurt you. Come out. Please." The girls whispered pleadingly.

You waited a moment before dragging yourself out from the darkness. Your feet dragged as if you'd forgotten how to use them until you had successfully made it to into the light and a few feet away from the cell door.

The girl looked like she was about to cry, as you could see them become glossy.

"What did they do to you?" Her voice was strangled, cracking and muffled.

You showed her the bruises on your arms and pushed your face forward more, looking into her eyes.

"I'm so sorry." She sniffled. Her sincereness was something you hadn't gotten in a long time.

"No need to be. I deserve this." You voice was raw, almost not there from the amount of screaming you'd done for the past year or so.

She looked at you, staring right into your eyes before putting her arm through the bars and towards your hand.

"I'm Ontari." You raised your hand, ashamed at how dirty it was before shaking her.

Ontari didn't let go, she just kept holding on and keeping you company. You listened as she spoke, surprised that she felt comfortable talking to you since you were a prisoners of her Queen.

"I'll get you out one day. I promise." Ontari said as she heard footsteps above them.

"You don't need to promise something you won't keep." You said as she let go of your hand, missing the warmth and comfort it gave you.

"I alway keep my promises. I'll come down tomorrow." Ontari said, making another promise before running up the stairs.

You heard the door close shut and let the tiniest of smiles go onto your face, actually glad to have met Ontari, having someone to talk to after such a long time.


Ontari kept her promise as day after day she continued to visit you with food and water to help you strengthen up for the great escape she was planning.

Everytime before she left she porimised to get you out of there, and every time you responded with her to not make a promise she can't keep.

But it was the one day that was significant from the rest. Ontari had came down, with food and water, grabbing your hand and telling you about her day when the door above suddenly opened.

She had stopped mid sentence, let go of your hand and ran to another side of the dungeon. You slid the plate and glass away into the darkness as you sat in the light yourself.

The same guards that had been taking your for torture and information came with the keys to the cell. They opened the door and we're about to enter when a sword passed through one.

He groaned and before the other could attack whoever it was, the sword was put through his chest as well, killing him.

Ontari was revealed when he fell, a smile appearing onto your face, a real one, as she stepped into the cell and looked down at you.

"I told you I'd get you out. I always keep my promises." You let a out a small laugh before Ontari bent down and picked you up, knowing your were way too weak to stand on your own two feet.

With her arm supporting your back and knees, she carried you out a secret door on the other side of the dungeon, leading to the forest.

It wasn't until now you noticed the bag hanging off her shoulder as she ran. You held onto her tightly until she stopped in the forest, setting you down on a rock.

You looked over to see her opening a blanket that soon wrapped around your shoulders, giving you the warmth you hadn't felt in such a long time.

"Thank you, Ontari." You said sincerely. Your friend smiled before sitting next to you and putting an and around you.

"It feels good to hold you besides you hand." Ontari whispered. She looked at you, seeing nothing but bravery and beauty, before taking you into her arms.

You hugged her almost instantly, breathing in her scent and smiled. Your arms seemed to suffocate her but she didn't care. Being in your arms for the first time in month was a gift.

Ontari pulled back, looking into your eyes that shone with love before letting her face turn to kiss you softly.

Something you didn't think would happen, would be kissing another human being. But with Ontari in your arms, warm and kissing you gently was everything you could wish for.

You let your hand hold her face as she held you gently and kiss you with and all the love she could give you, she then let go and looked at you again.

"I love you, Y/N. I hope you know that." She hugged you once more.

You kissed her cheek, letting you face blush as you squeezed her. "I do. I love you too."


Another imagine for your lovely eyes to read! If you have any preference ideas, please share. Im running out of them and would love to write something you'd enjoy to see.

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