"Everything I guess," I remove my hand from my face and smile at him "like... scaring off that freak for me which, by the way, I could have handled myself but I appreciate very much."

"I'm sure you would have handled yourself," we laugh "I'm sorry I just felt the need to step in after he grabbed you."

"No, don't apologize." I push my hair behind my ear "I'm thankful you did I'm just sorry to have dragged you into that." I laugh "That's what happens when I agree to dance with strangers I guess."

"So you don't know him?" He raises his eyebrow, looking more irritated at the guy.

"First time I've ever seen him."

"Wow." He looks around the room and pushes his hair back with his hand and I catch myself starring at the way the muscles in his arm move by his small gesture.

"Yeah, so thank you for that and for grabbing me before I slipped." I point right next to him where the liquid is still stained on the floor.

I look at him and he's smiling down at the pink beverage. He has a cute smile and dimples that are barely noticeable. I remember thinking that he was cute when he came out in one of David's blog. The only reason I ever watched the blogs was because of Melanie, she's the one that introduced me to David's blogs.

Oh my gosh! I didn't even mention to Melanie that David came to look at the apartments today, she is going to trip when I tell her. I'll have to tell her how I have basically meet all of David's cast... Including Liza, Zane, Heath and Alex.

My eyes focus back on Alex and I laugh the moment I see his shirt scrunched up in the middle from where I had grabbed onto to avoid from falling.

He looks down at his shirt to see what I'm laughing at and he extends his shirt out with both hands by the hem to see my hand mark.

"I'm sorry about this too." I poke at the wrinkled spot on his shirt.

"It's okay, happens all the time." He smiles

"What does? Getting wrinkles on your shirts?" I tilt my head.

"No, girls leaving marks all over my shirts." He says in a bragging tone looking down at the wrinkle on his shirt then back to me and we laugh.

"Alright, that was good." I lift my hand ups to clap at his joke.

"Stop," he blushes, laughing with me "I was just kidding." He playfully pushes my hands down to stop me from clapping.

Alex and I are now sitting on a booth, I don't know how long it has been but we have been going on non-stop talking for however long it's been.

"Cardio. I like to go out for morning runs at the park, the one near the beach, but besides that I don't really exercise." I tell him.

We are sitting next to each other on the booth. Both of our bodies are facing each other but there is plenty of space between us.

I must admit I have grown to have huge respect for this guy, more than I planned to. For a guy who is in this place he hasn't tried to make any disrespectful moves on me whatsoever. Which I am really thankful for.

Alex ErnstWhere stories live. Discover now