"You're a bit early for the game, aren't you?" the camel asked him. 

"Yeah, well, I just wanted to be sure I didn't miss the opening tip off," Zeke replied. "Is it all right if I go on in?" 

"You got a ticket?" 

"Um, no." 

"Well then you're out of luck," the camel rolled his eyes. "This game's been sold out for weeks now. It is the championships after all." 

"Uh, what I meant to say is that I bought my ticket but I need to pick it up still. Could you direct me to the box office?" 

"It's through that door and to the left. You can't miss it. It's a big cardboard box." 

"Thank you for your help," Zeke said as he walked into the stadium. He looked over his shoulder to see if the camel was watching him, but it was busy sweeping the ground. 

Zeke wasn't really sure where the trophy would be kept so he decided to explore around. Rather than go left to the box office, he turned right and found himself walking down a gently curving corridor. A few scattered animals walked around here and there, but it wasn't too crowded yet. There were vendor's tables set up selling merchandise such as posters and big oversized novelty foam feet with a super big toe on them. Quartzwater City's team was apparently called the "Mop Buckets." It seemed like a bit of a strange mascot to Zeke, but then he was becoming less surprised by the general weirdness of this place. 

He spotted a sign that read "Locker Rooms and Storage Facilities: Stadium Employees and Team Personnel Only." It had a bright blue arrow that pointed down a side corridor. Zeke looked around to make sure no one was watching and then ducked down the hallway.  

He tried to put on an air of nonchalance in case anybody spotted him. He hoped the stadium had many employees and if stopped he figured he'd pretend to be a new hire. If that didn't work maybe he could just be a lost fan who took a wrong turn while looking for a restroom. 

Fortunately the corridor seemed to be empty. He came to a door marked "Storage" and tested the knob. It swung open and he found himself in a small room filled with dusty boxes. He ripped a box open but it just contained old team uniforms. A quick survey of the other boxes proved fruitless so he went back into the hall and tried the next door he came to.  

This time as the door swung inward he heard a thumping sound followed by a groan. He peered around the doorway to see a small tile bathroom. An iguana lay on the floor apparently unconscious. It appeared Zeke had smacked him in the face with the door and knocked him out. 

Suddenly he heard voices approaching from down the hall. Not wanting to get caught he ran into the bathroom, careful not to step on the prostrate iguana, and closed the door. He looked around for a locking mechanism but couldn't find one. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears as he leaned against the door, hardly daring to breathe lest he be overheard. 

The voices grew louder and then he heard a knock on the door. "Hey Gordon, you in there?" 

Zeke attempted to muffle his voice with his hand. "Uh, yeah. I'm busy. Don't come in." 

"Are you all right?" the voice on the other side asked. "You sound weird." 

"I'm fine," Zeke coughed. "If you don't mind, I'd like a little privacy." 

"What did you do, fall in? You've been in there forever." 

"Just taking care of business," Zeke coughed again. 

"Coach wants to see you right away," a different voice said. "He told us to come haul you out if we had to." 

"I'll be there in a minute. Go away." 

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