10| Lycan Pack

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Word count: 4336

Lycan Pack : Alpha Parker

Shay's POV

Twenty minutes later after we finish going through the different Alpha's I ask Parker the question that has been bothering me for the past week.


"Hmm?" He looks up from a file he's reorganizing.

"Where's Dylan?"

His whole body tenses around me. Sometime earlier I somehow maneuvered myself so I was laying my head in his lap. He would read me important things from a file while I would stare up at him and listen. Well try my best to listen. Staring from below gives me a perfect view of his jaw that now has little stubble on it and his soft pink lips, which of course he keeps licking. I've discovered it's a habit of his.

"Well?" I push after a few minutes of no response.

"It doesn't matter." He shakes his head.

"It matters to me." I disagree. "He hurt me Parker, I want to know where he is so I can stay far away from him as I possibly can."

Parker's eyes finally look down to meet mine. That's when I notice his eyes are blue meaning his wolf is at bay.

"He will never hurt you again." He growls, not as much at me as the thought.

I sit up from his lap after a few failed attempts from Parker to keep me down. "It's not that I'm worried he'll hurt me again. I don't think he's that stupid to try but I just don't want to see him."

"Trust me you'll never see him again." Parker softly brushes his knuckles against my cheek.

I pull away from his touch after I think over his words. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You don't need to worry about it Shay, you'll never see him again." He repeats with an edge to his voice.

He carelessly throws the file across the bed after a few minutes of awkward silence. His eyes still haven't shifted back to their normal color.

"Parker," I call out to him when he stands up from the bed. "Tell me what's going on."

Breathing deep he turns back to me with a guilty look. I swallow audibly afraid of what he will say next.

"You need to trust me Shay, I will always protect you, understand?" He asks seriously.

I nod my head slowly.

Although we didn't start out the best way I have a feeling that I can trust him. It's probably ninety percent the bond's doing.

Parker sits on the bed and easily sits me across his lap. He tightens his arms around my waist so I'm not able to move.

"I was going to punish Dylan for what he did to you." He says simply. I can tell he has his guard on right now.

"Punish? How?" I ask frightened. If Parker killed Dylan... it would be exactly what's happening to my parents and me. There is no way I will love a murderer, especially if they killed for me.

"I was going to lock him in the pack prison."

"Was?" I ask confused on the use of past tense.

"He escaped."

"So now he's wandering around town? Can't you go find him?" I ask panicking.

"He's not in town. If he was smart he would be in another country by now. He turned rouge the second he stepped past the boundary." He says seriously.

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