7| Lycan Pack

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Word count: 4622

Lycan Pack: Alpha Parker

Shay's POV

Six days.

It's been six days since that day in the woods. Since then a lot has happened, well really nothing has happened.

Parker put Ash on as my permanent body guard. I did complain, a lot. But Parker always won because he said every Luna gets one no matter what, plus he threw his Dad at me who agreed with him. It's not so bad anyways. I'm glad it's Ash and not Dylan, who I haven't seen around since that first day. Parker must be making sure I never see him again.

Ash and I have become friends with in the past six days. He's at every activity I go to, always sits at least two chairs down from me at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The only reason why he isn't sleeping in the same room with me is because Parker would have his head and Parker insists he can hear me just fine from his own bedroom down the hall, although he sometimes isn't even in there. I can tell when he misses me an extra lot because he'll sneak into the bedroom right next to mine so he can either hear me better or be closer to me. I don't want to admit it but it helps me sleep better.

My wolf been going crazy for the past week. She misses him like crazy and it doesn't help that I always make sure to stay clear of him. The only time I get to see him is at meal time. That's good enough for me but not enough for my wolf.

I haven't shifted into my wolf much since that day with Ash in the woods. He insists I go only at night when everyone is sleeping and only go with him.

That's his number one rule. Don't ever shift in front of anyone without him.

I concluded that it was some Luna and werewolf thing. So naturally I brushed it off. When I didn't brush it off is when I'm shifted and Ash can't get his eyes off of me. I don't feel comfortable because I know it's not that kind of stare but it's still a stare. A stare is a stare, and there is always a reason behind one.

I haven't spoken to my parents for a whole week now. I still cry myself to sleep some nights, usually the nights when Parker is sleeping in his own bed. They have only tried calling three times, each time I ignored it. After that I guess they gave up, not that they really tried. Then again they know me better than most that they could have known I still wouldn't answer no matter how many times they tried.

I've kept myself occupied by doing the camp activities with my friends. So far I've been horseback riding with Piper and Jane but of course Jane didn't like the smell so she left. We've done biking, baking, volleyball, soccer, football. No one in the pack liked to see Seth tackle me to the ground. He got a foul from Ash who was playing reff.

When we ran out of things to do that the camp came up with, my friends came up with our own games. Games we learned from past camps we went to, camps that were actual camps. We did things like scavenger hunts and birdie on a perch where you had to find your partner before anyone else. Of course me and Ash rocked that.

That's another thing, Ash has become a constant individual in our group. Carter of course hates it but I think the girls adore it. That is when he doesn't pair up with me with every partner activity. He does sit out sometimes though so I can spend time with my friends but he's always standing near with other wolves. Wolves who might I add are very strong and look more like a bull than a man.

That's Parkers doing no doubt.

This is actually one of the single times I managed to get away from Ash. I couldn't tell him where I was going. That would be way to embarrassing. Even though I'm his Luna and he has the decency not to tease me he will give me that knowing smile when he thinks I'm not looking. That's just as bad.

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