Chapter 2 - End of End

Start from the beginning

"Shit," I cursed and my brows furrowed.

Hinigpitan ko ang hawak ko sa manibela. I looked at the dark and empty road where I was driving. It made me sighed even harder. I leaned down at inabot sa baba ang phone ko.

After giving it a few tries, I groaned because I can't find it without removing my eyes on the road, so I just decided to let it be.

I kept driving while drowsiness keeps on getting into me. I groaned loudly and cursed incoherent profanities again the moment I realized my eyes were slowly closing on their own.

Damn it, I'm so fucking sleepy.

The annoying blasting sound of my ringing phone came to the rescue, awaking my senses.

~If happy ever after did exist

I would still be holding you like this

All these fairy tales are full of shit

One more fucking love song and I'll be sick~

I sighed in defeat and I took my eyes off the road to look for the damn phone.

At last, I finally found it at nakita ko ding nakasiksik sa pagitan ng driver's seat at accelerator.

I reached down and successfully retrieved it from below. Hanggang sa pagbalik ko ng tingin ko sa kalsada, a human's figure flashed in front of me.

"SHIT!" I growled. Adrenaline took over me, I steered the wheel to my right and stepped abruptly on the brake. I didn't even realize how abrupt my actions were until I almost hit my head inches away from the wheel. Good thing I was wearing the seatbelt. Kung nagkataon sigurong hindi, paniguradong basag na ang ulo ko ngayon.

After a few seconds at medyo na absorb ko na kung anong nangyari, napalagok ako, feeling cold beads of sweat on my forehead. I swallowed hard, at hinigpitan ang hawak ko sa wheels, not even daring to look up.

"Fuck! Shit!!!" I whispered. "Did I hit someone-? FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"

I keep on cursing inside my head.

I slowly checked if I really did run over someone. When I saw the same human figure still standing like a few feet away from my car- I let out a sigh of relief.

Thank God! I'm freaking saved!

I leaned on the driver's seat and stared at what was in front of me.

She wasn't moving and her head was bowed down, her long hair was covering her face.

And in a matter of seconds my mood took a hundred and eighty degree turn.

My eyebrows met and I immediately removed my seat belt. I got out of my car and closed the door of my Audi with a loud bang.

"BITCH!" I growled while walking towards her. "Are you trying to kill yourself?"

I bit my lower lip trying my best not to hit this stupid woman in front of me.

"Ang lawak-lawak ng Pilipinas dito mo pa binalak tumayo! Are you fucking crazy? Kung magpapakamatay ka wag mo akong idamay! Makukulong pa ako sa pinaggagagawa mo!"

The stranger didn't move. She didn't even bother to look at me. She just stood there, while I refrain myself, with great effort by the way, from whacking her because of her madness.

"Bakit?" she whimpered, her head still bowed down. "Bakit mo iniwas?"

I can tell that she was crying and lips quivering, but the hell I care?

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